Del Amitri
Hatful Of Rain

Love hearts on an old stone building

Have no relevance now

And sherry bottles in a bus-stop litter bin

Remind me of you somehow

And you look so young, it's frightening

Life's been good to you

But strike me down with bolts of lightning

If I wasn't good to you too

Throw me away, throw me away again

'Cos I don't mind, I'm still satisfied

With just a hatful of rain

Merry widows in stock gloss magazines

Dumbstruck open their mouths

And out comes some old jackpot philosophy

Everything must pay somehow

And I've heard you say that he just works for me

Doing things that you can't do

But grease my palms with a hatful of currencies

I don't belong to you

Throw me away, throw me away again

'Cos I don't mind, I'm still satisfied

With just a hatful of rain

Yeah, I don't mind, I'm still satisfied

With just a hatful of rain

Rain, I'm still satisfied, yeah

I'm still, I'm still satisfied

I'm still satisfied, I don't belong to you

I'm still satisfied, I'm still satisfied

Rain, I don't belong to you

I don't belong to you, I'm still satisfied

Rain I don't, I don't belong to you

I don't belong to you

Rain, I'm still satisfied

Mirror lyrics:

Rain, I'm still satisfied

I don't belong to you

Rain I don't, I don't belong to you

I don't belong to you, I'm still satisfied

Rain, I don't belong to you

I'm still satisfied, I'm still satisfied

I'm still satisfied, I don't belong to you

I'm still, I'm still satisfied

Rain, I'm still satisfied, yeah

With just a hatful of rain

Yeah, I don't mind, I'm still satisfied

With just a hatful of rain

'Cos I don't mind, I'm still satisfied

Throw me away, throw me away again

I don't belong to you

But grease my palms with a hatful of currencies

Doing things that you can't do

And I've heard you say that he just works for me

Everything must pay somehow

And out comes some old jackpot philosophy

Dumbstruck open their mouths

Merry widows in stock gloss magazines

With just a hatful of rain

'Cos I don't mind, I'm still satisfied

Throw me away, throw me away again

If I wasn't good to you too

But strike me down with bolts of lightning

Life's been good to you

And you look so young, it's frightening

Remind me of you somehow

And sherry bottles in a bus-stop litter bin

Have no relevance now

Love hearts on an old stone building

Relevant Tags:
HHatful OOf RRain atful f ain aHtful fO aRin jatful kf dain jHatful kOf dRain Hjatful Okf Rdain uatful 9f 4ain uHatful 9Of 4Rain
Huatful O9f R4ain natful 0f gain nHatful 0Of gRain Hnatful O0f Rgain batful lf tain bHatful lOf tRain Hbatful Olf Rtain gatful if 5ain
gHatful iOf 5Rain Hgatful Oif R5ain yatful Off fain yHatful O fRain Hyatful Of Rfain Haatful Oc eain Htful Ocf eRain Htaful Ofc Reain
Hztful Or Raain Hzatful Orf Rin Haztful Ofr Rian Hqtful Og Rzin Hqatful Ogf Rzain Haqtful Ofg Razin Hstful Ot Rqin Hsatful Otf Rqain
Hastful Oft Raqin Hwtful Ov Rsin Hwatful Ovf Rsain Hawtful Ofv Rasin Hxtful Od Rwin Hxatful Odf Rwain Haxtful Ofd Rawin Hattful Rxin
Haful Rxain Haftul Raxin Hafful Raiin Haftful Ran Hatfful Rani Ha5ful Rajn Ha5tful Rajin Hat5ful Raijn
Hahful Ra9n Hahtful Ra9in Hathful Rai9n Hayful Raln Haytful Ralin Hatyful Railn Ha6ful Raon Ha6tful Raoin
Hat6ful Raion Hagful Rakn

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