The Boy's Republic

blue star
shine your light down
on everyone cause
i don't care
their soothing me
yes tear lung
blue star
shine your light down
pierce for my face
to heal my veins
down on everyone
cause i do care
their soothing me
tear lungs
it's more it's more
down shine light
shine your light
it's more it's more
on everyone cause i don't care
you're soothing me their lungs
blue star
shine your light
shine your light
shine your light down
blue star down
blue star shine down
on everyone cause i don't care
you're soothing me
their lungs
it's more

Mirror lyrics:

it's more
their lungs
you're soothing me
on everyone cause i don't care
blue star shine down
blue star down
shine your light down
shine your light
shine your light
blue star
you're soothing me their lungs
on everyone cause i don't care
it's more it's more
shine your light
down shine light
it's more it's more
tear lungs
their soothing me
cause i do care
down on everyone
to heal my veins
pierce for my face
shine your light down
blue star
yes tear lung
their soothing me
i don't care
on everyone cause
shine your light down
blue star

Relevant Tags:
TThe BBoy's RRepublic he oy's epublic hTe oBy's eRpublic fhe voy's depublic fThe vBoy's dRepublic Tfhe Bvoy's Rdepublic
5he goy's 4epublic 5The gBoy's 4Republic T5he Bgoy's R4epublic hhe noy's gepublic hThe nBoy's gRepublic Thhe Bnoy's Rgepublic
yhe hoy's tepublic yThe hBoy's tRepublic Tyhe Bhoy's Rtepublic 6he Booy's 5epublic 6The By's 5Republic T6he Byo's R5epublic
ghe Bky's fepublic gThe Bkoy's fRepublic Tghe Boky's Rfepublic rhe B9y's eepublic rThe B9oy's eRepublic Trhe Bo9y's Reepublic
B0y's Te B0oy's Rpublic Teh Bo0y's Rpeublic Tje Bly's Rspublic Tjhe Bloy's Rsepublic Thje Boly's Respublic
Tue Biy's R3public Tuhe Bioy's R3epublic Thue Boiy's Re3public Tne Boyy's Rfpublic Tnhe Bo's Thne Bo'ys Refpublic
Tbe Bog's Rrpublic Tbhe Bogy's Rrepublic Thbe Boyg's Rerpublic Tge Boh's R4public Bohy's Thge Boyh's Re4public
Tye Bo6's Rdpublic Bo6y's Thye Boy6's Redpublic Thee Bou's Rwpublic Th Bouy's Rwepublic The Boyu's Rewpublic
Ths Bo7's Reppublic Thse Bo7y's Reublic Thes Boy7's Reupblic Th3 Boj's Re0ublic Th3e Bojy's Re0public The3 Boyj's Rep0ublic
Thf Bot's Relublic Thfe Boty's Relpublic Thef Boyt's Replublic Thr Boy''s Reoublic Thre Boys Reopublic Ther Boys' Repoublic
Th4 Boy'ss Repuublic Th4e Boy' Repblic The4 Boy's Repbulic Thd Boy'z Rephblic Thde Boy'zs Rephublic Thed Boy'sz Repuhblic
Thw Boy'w Rep7blic Thwe Boy'ws Rep7ublic Thew Boy'sw Repu7blic Boy'd Repkblic Boy'ds Repkublic

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