Lucky You

They'll come soon
I keep waiting...and I wait...
so somebody save me
And if you're feeling lucky...come and take me home
And if you feel loved
If you feel lucky, if you feel loved
If you feel lucky, if you feel loved
You've crossed the walls - excelled
Further along through their hell
All for my heart, I watch you kill
You always have, you always will
Now spread your wings and sail out to me..x2
So if you're feeling lucky...come and take me home
Come and take me home..x4
Yeah if you feel love...
(If you feel lucky, if you feel loved) x6
Crossed the walls - excelled
Further along through their hell
For my heart
I watch you kill
You always have
You always will
You always have and always will
You always have
You always will
Spread your wings and sail out to me...

Mirror lyrics:

Spread your wings and sail out to me...
You always will
You always have
You always have and always will
You always will
You always have
I watch you kill
For my heart
Further along through their hell
Crossed the walls - excelled
(If you feel lucky, if you feel loved) x6
Yeah if you feel love...
Come and take me home..x4
So if you're feeling lucky...come and take me home
Now spread your wings and sail out to me..x2
You always have, you always will
All for my heart, I watch you kill
Further along through their hell
You've crossed the walls - excelled
If you feel lucky, if you feel loved
If you feel lucky, if you feel loved
And if you feel loved
And if you're feeling lucky...come and take me home
so somebody save me
I keep waiting...and I wait...
They'll come soon

Relevant Tags:
LLucky YYou ucky ou uLcky oYu kucky gou kLucky gYou Lkucky Ygou oucky hou oLucky hYou Loucky Yhou pucky 6ou pLucky 6You
Lpucky Y6ou Luucky uou Lcky uYou Lcuky Yuou Lhcky 7ou Lhucky 7You Luhcky Y7ou L7cky jou L7ucky jYou Lu7cky Yjou Lkcky tou
tYou Lukcky Ytou Licky Yoou Liucky Yu Luicky Yuo L8cky Yku L8ucky Ykou Lu8cky Yoku Ljcky Y9u Ljucky Y9ou Lujcky Yo9u
Lycky Y0u Lyucky Y0ou Luycky Yo0u Luccky Ylu Luky Ylou Lukcy Yolu Lufky Yiu Lufcky Yiou Lucfky Yoiu Luxky Youu Luxcky Yo
Lucxky You Luvky Yoh

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