David Fonseca
You And I (letter To S.)

Drawn into a world of choices
Bitter hearts and angry voices
I'm tired of promisses constantly broken
Words are there just to be spoken
I can't comply

So I can't sit here through this mess
Acting just like all the rest
With a smile


You and I we'll meet as soon this war is over
You and I we'll seize the dream
You won't be sorry

But now I have to go away
I'll save the world today

Gentle grins and perfect plans
That turn out to reveal the monsters around
The werewolves holding silver bullets
Staring at me in my nightmares
It has to stop

It's my turn to stop them
Maybe I won't win but I'll surely try
I'll try


You and I we'll meet as soon this war is over
You and I we'll seize the dream
You wont be sorry

But now I have to go away
I'm going to save the day

No surprises, farewell parties
Tears that fill your green-eyed worries
I hate goodbyes

Mirror lyrics:

I hate goodbyes
Tears that fill your green-eyed worries
No surprises, farewell parties

I'm going to save the day
But now I have to go away

You wont be sorry
You and I we'll seize the dream
You and I we'll meet as soon this war is over


I'll try
Maybe I won't win but I'll surely try
It's my turn to stop them

It has to stop
Staring at me in my nightmares
The werewolves holding silver bullets
That turn out to reveal the monsters around
Gentle grins and perfect plans

I'll save the world today
But now I have to go away

You won't be sorry
You and I we'll seize the dream
You and I we'll meet as soon this war is over


With a smile
Acting just like all the rest
So I can't sit here through this mess

I can't comply
Words are there just to be spoken
I'm tired of promisses constantly broken
Bitter hearts and angry voices
Drawn into a world of choices

Relevant Tags:
YYou AAnd II ((letter TTo SS.) ou nd letter o .) oYu nAd I l(etter oT .S) gou znd j (lletter fo z.) gYou zAnd jI (etter fTo zS.) Ygou Aznd Ij (eltter Tfo Sz.)
hou qnd 9 (ketter 5o w.) hYou qAnd 9I (kletter 5To wS.) Yhou Aqnd I9 (lketter T5o Sw.) 6ou snd l (oetter ho d.) 6You sAnd lI (oletter hTo dS.) Y6ou Asnd Il (loetter Tho Sd.)
uou wnd o (petter yo e.) uYou wAnd oI (pletter yTo eS.) Yuou Awnd Io (lpetter Tyo Se.) 7ou xnd k (leetter 6o x.) 7You xAnd kI (ltter 6To xS.) Y7ou Axnd Ik (lteter T6o Sx.)
jou Annd 8 (lstter go a.) jYou Ad 8I (lsetter gTo aS.) Yjou Adn I8 (lestter Tgo Sa.) tou Amd u (l3tter ro S..) tYou Amnd uI (l3etter rTo S) Ytou Anmd Iu (le3tter Tro S).
Yoou Ahd (lftter Too S.)) Yu Ahnd (lfetter T S. Yuo Anhd (leftter To S.) Yku Ajd (lrtter Tk Ykou Ajnd (lretter Tko Yoku Anjd (lertter Tok
Y9u Abd (l4tter T9 Y9ou Abnd (l4etter T9o Yo9u Anbd (le4tter To9 Y0u Andd (ldtter T0 Y0ou An (ldetter T0o Yo0u And (ledtter To0
Ylu Anx (lwtter Tl Ylou Anxd (lwetter Tlo Yolu Andx (lewtter Tol Yiu Ane (lettter Ti Yiou Aned (leter Tio Yoiu Ande (letter Toi
Youu Anf (lefter Yo Anfd You Andf (letfter Yoh Anr (le5ter Yohu Anrd (le5tter Youh Andr (let5ter
Yo7 Anc (lehter Yo7u Ancd (lehtter You7 Andc (lethter Yok Ans (leyter Ansd (leytter Youk Ands (letyter
Yoi (le6ter (le6tter Youi (let6ter Yo8 (legter

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