David Evans
Building My Faith

"Building My Faith"
Words & Music: David Evans
Album: Unspeakable Joy

I believe in Jesus and now I have this destiny
I can live my purpose for His grace has set me free
Nothing is impossible in this atmosphere of faith
As I lift the name of Jesus life giving power fills this place

Building my faith in Him, Building my faith in Jesus Christ
We have every victory in this life
Building my faith in Him, Building my faith in Jesus Christ
The victory has been won, It was bought by faith
It was bought by faith in God's son

I hear the words of Jesus like healing power within my soul
I believe this story that His blood has made me whole
Nothing is impossible in this atmosphere of faith
As I lift the name of Jesus life giving power fills this place

Mirror lyrics:

As I lift the name of Jesus life giving power fills this place
Nothing is impossible in this atmosphere of faith
I believe this story that His blood has made me whole
I hear the words of Jesus like healing power within my soul

It was bought by faith in God's son
The victory has been won, It was bought by faith
Building my faith in Him, Building my faith in Jesus Christ
We have every victory in this life
Building my faith in Him, Building my faith in Jesus Christ

As I lift the name of Jesus life giving power fills this place
Nothing is impossible in this atmosphere of faith
I can live my purpose for His grace has set me free
I believe in Jesus and now I have this destiny

Album: Unspeakable Joy
Words & Music: David Evans
"Building My Faith"

Relevant Tags:
BBuilding MMy FFaith uilding y aith uBilding yM aFith vuilding jy caith vBuilding jMy cFaith Bvuilding Mjy Fcaith
guilding ky raith gBuilding kMy rFaith Bguilding Mky Fraith nuilding ny gaith nBuilding nMy gFaith Bnuilding Mny Fgaith
huilding Myy taith hBuilding M tFaith Bhuilding My Ftaith Buuilding Mg vaith Bilding Mgy vFaith Biulding Myg Fvaith
Bhilding Mh daith Mhy dFaith Buhilding Myh Fdaith B7ilding M6 Faaith B7uilding M6y Fith Bu7ilding My6 Fiath
Bkilding Mu Fzith Bkuilding Muy Fzaith Bukilding Myu Fazith Biilding M7 Fqith Biuilding M7y Fqaith Buiilding My7 Faqith
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