What A Friend I've Found

what a friend i've found
He's closer than a brother
i have felt your touch
more intimate than lovers

Jesus, Jesus
Jesus, you're my friend forever

what a hope i've found
more faithful than a mother
it would break my heart
to ever lose each other

chorus repeat until end

Mirror lyrics:

chorus repeat until end

to ever lose each other
it would break my heart
more faithful than a mother
what a hope i've found

Jesus, you're my friend forever
Jesus, Jesus

more intimate than lovers
i have felt your touch
He's closer than a brother
what a friend i've found

Relevant Tags:
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3hat q rriend 9've round 3What qA rFriend 9I've rFound W3hat Aq Frriend I9've Fround dhat s griend l've gound dWhat sA gFriend lI've gFound Wdhat As Fgriend Il've Fgound
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2hat driend 8've dound 2What dFriend 8I've dFound W2hat Fdriend I8've Fdound qhat u've Foound qWhat Fiend uI've Fund Wqhat Firend Iu've Fuond
Whhat Fdiend I''ve Fkund Wat Ive Fkound Waht Frdiend Iv'e Fokund Wjat F4iend I'vve F9und Wjhat F4riend I'e F9ound Whjat Fr4iend I'ev Fo9und
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Wbat F5iend I'ge Fiund Wbhat F5riend I'gve Fiound Whbat Fr5iend I'vge Foiund Wgat Ffiend I'fe Fouund Wghat Ffriend I'fve Fond Whgat Frfiend I'vfe Fonud
Wyat Feiend I'vee Fohnd Wyhat Feriend I'v Fohund Whyat Freiend I've Fouhnd Whaat Friiend I'vs Fo7nd Wht Frend I'vse Fo7und Whta Freind I'ves Fou7nd
Whzt Frjend I'v3 Foknd Whzat Frjiend I'v3e Whazt Frijend I've3 Fouknd Whqt Fr9end I'vf Foind Whqat Fr9iend Whaqt Fri9end I'vef Fouind
Whst Frlend I'vr Fo8nd Whsat Frliend I'vre Fo8und Whast Frilend I'ver Fou8nd Whwt Froend I'v4 Fojnd Whwat Froiend I'v4e Fojund Whawt Frioend I've4 Foujnd
Whxt Frkend I'vd Foynd Whxat Frkiend I'vde Foyund Whaxt Frikend I'ved Fouynd

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