Lines And Dots

Thirteen days from now
a jet will set you down at summer's end
Separating by miles of empty sky me from my friend
A regular goodbye won't do at all
so I will write your address down
I'll send thoughts across like morse code
lines and dots to your new hometown
Your effect on me is too deep to state

I'll write it on my arm with a permanent pen
The stain will stay for days
Will its meaning ever end?

Your life is breaking open
Streams of words unspoken wash over my brain
as I watch your wings,
young and unfolding,
carry you away
This blurry feeling is hard to state

Though we never said love,
it hung in the air
Now the feelings are fading along with your name

Mirror lyrics:

Now the feelings are fading along with your name
it hung in the air
Though we never said love,

This blurry feeling is hard to state
carry you away
young and unfolding,
as I watch your wings,
Streams of words unspoken wash over my brain
Your life is breaking open

Will its meaning ever end?
The stain will stay for days
I'll write it on my arm with a permanent pen

Your effect on me is too deep to state
lines and dots to your new hometown
I'll send thoughts across like morse code
so I will write your address down
A regular goodbye won't do at all
Separating by miles of empty sky me from my friend
a jet will set you down at summer's end
Thirteen days from now

Relevant Tags:
LLines AAnd DDots ines nd ots iLnes nAd oDts kines znd xots kLines zAnd xDots Lkines Aznd Dxots oines qnd eots oLines qAnd eDots
Loines Aqnd Deots pines snd fots pLines sAnd fDots Lpines Asnd Dfots Liines wnd rots Lnes wAnd rDots Lnies Awnd Drots Ljnes xnd cots
Ljines xAnd cDots Lijnes Axnd Dcots L9nes Annd sots L9ines Ad sDots Li9nes Adn Dsots Llnes Amd Doots Llines Amnd Dts Lilnes Anmd Dtos
Lones Ahd Dkts Ahnd Dkots Liones Anhd Dokts Lknes Ajd D9ts Ajnd D9ots Liknes Anjd Do9ts L8nes Abd D0ts L8ines Abnd D0ots
Li8nes Anbd Do0ts Lunes Andd Dlts Luines An Dlots Liunes And Dolts Linnes Anx Dits Lies Anxd Diots Liens Andx Doits Limes Ane Dotts
Limnes Aned Dos Linmes Ande Dost Lihes Anf Dofs Lihnes Anfd Dofts Linhes Andf Dotfs

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