The Maid That Sold Her Barley

It's cold and raw the north winds blow
Black in the morning early
When all the hills were covered with snow
Oh then it was winter fairly
As I was riding o'er the moor
I met a farmer's daughter
Her cherry cheeks and sloe-black hair
They caused my heart to falter

I bowed my bonnet very low
To let her know my meaning
She answered with a courteous smile
Her looks they were engaging
"Where are you bound, my pretty maid
It's now in the morning early?"
The answer that she made to me
"Kind sir, to sell me barley"

"Now twenty guineas I've in my purse
And twenty more that's yearly
You need not go to the market town
For I'll buy all your barley
If twenty guineas would gain the heart
Of the maid I love so dearly
All for to tarry with me one night
And go home in the morning early"

As I was riding o'er the moor
The very evening after
It was my fortune for to meet
The farmer's only daughter
Although the weather being cold and raw
With her I thought to parley
The answer then she made to me
"Kind sir, I've sold me barley"

Mirror lyrics:

"Kind sir, I've sold me barley"
The answer then she made to me
With her I thought to parley
Although the weather being cold and raw
The farmer's only daughter
It was my fortune for to meet
The very evening after
As I was riding o'er the moor

And go home in the morning early"
All for to tarry with me one night
Of the maid I love so dearly
If twenty guineas would gain the heart
For I'll buy all your barley
You need not go to the market town
And twenty more that's yearly
"Now twenty guineas I've in my purse

"Kind sir, to sell me barley"
The answer that she made to me
It's now in the morning early?"
"Where are you bound, my pretty maid
Her looks they were engaging
She answered with a courteous smile
To let her know my meaning
I bowed my bonnet very low

They caused my heart to falter
Her cherry cheeks and sloe-black hair
I met a farmer's daughter
As I was riding o'er the moor
Oh then it was winter fairly
When all the hills were covered with snow
Black in the morning early
It's cold and raw the north winds blow

Relevant Tags:
TThe MMaid TThat SSold HHer BBarley he aid hat old er arley hTe aMid hTat oSld eHr aBrley fhe jaid fhat zold jer varley fThe jMaid fThat zSold jHer vBarley
Tfhe Mjaid Tfhat Szold Hjer Bvarley 5he kaid 5hat wold uer garley 5The kMaid 5That wSold uHer gBarley T5he Mkaid T5hat Swold Huer Bgarley hhe naid hhat dold ner narley
hThe nMaid hThat dSold nHer nBarley Thhe Mnaid Thhat Sdold Hner Bnarley yhe Maaid yhat eold ber harley yThe Mid yThat eSold bHer hBarley Tyhe Miad Tyhat Seold Hber Bharley
6he Mzid 6hat xold ger Baarley 6The Mzaid 6That xSold gHer Brley T6he Mazid T6hat Sxold Hger Braley ghe Mqid ghat aold yer Bzrley gThe Mqaid gThat aSold yHer Bzarley
Tghe Maqid Tghat Saold Hyer Bazrley rhe Msid rhat Soold Heer Bqrley rThe Msaid rThat Sld Hr Bqarley Trhe Masid Trhat Slod Hre Baqrley Mwid Skld Hsr Bsrley
Te Mwaid Tat Skold Hser Bsarley Teh Mawid Taht Sokld Hesr Basrley Tje Mxid Tjat S9ld H3r Bwrley Tjhe Mxaid Tjhat S9old H3er Bwarley Thje Maxid Thjat So9ld He3r Bawrley
Tue Maiid Tuat S0ld Hfr Bxrley Tuhe Mad Tuhat S0old Hfer Bxarley Thue Madi Thuat So0ld Hefr Baxrley Tne Majd Tnat Slld Hrr Barrley Tnhe Majid Tnhat Slold Hrer Baley
Thne Maijd Thnat Solld Herr Balrey Tbe Ma9d Tbat Sild H4r Badley Tbhe Ma9id Tbhat Siold H4er Badrley Thbe Mai9d Thbat Soild He4r Bardley Tge Mald Tgat Hdr Ba4ley
Malid Sod Hder Ba4rley Thge Maild Thgat Sodl Hedr Bar4ley Tye Maod Tyat Sokd Hwr Bagley Maoid Hwer Bagrley Thye Maiod Thyat Solkd Hewr Bargley
Thee Makd Thaat Sood Batley Th Makid Tht He Batrley The Maikd Thta Solod Her Bartley Ths Ma8d Thzt Sopd Hed Ba5ley Thse Ma8id Thzat Sopld Ba5rley
Thes Mai8d Thazt Solpd Herd Bar5ley Th3 Maud Thqt Soldd He4 Bafley Th3e Mauid Thqat Sol Bafrley The3 Maiud Thaqt Sold Her4 Barfley Thf Maidd Thst Solx Heg Baeley
Thfe Mai Thsat Solxd Hegr Baerley Thef Maid Thast Soldx Herg Bareley Thr Maix Thwt Sole Het Barlley Thre Maixd Thwat Soled Hetr Barey

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