Dear And The Headlights
Oh No!

Oh no! I had a thought and a feeling
I watched 'em fasten the noose
I wonder what to do
I wonder what to do

Oh no! Smirking the whole time Jim spoke
He doesn't have a clue
I wonder what to do
I wonder what to do

Haven't had a day alone
Haven't had a day alone since I met you

Oh no! I talk it over with mother
I talk it through with the cops
They give us the same answer
Keep being careful and

Oh no! I'm lying if I'm talking
It's what I don't tell you
You wouldn't like the truth
You wouldn't like it


And it's one eye on the banquet table
the other on the door
Everyone's got reason, but I don't have the
same ones and it's true

Oh no! Balancing in my head now
Awaiting a false move
I don't know what to do
I don't know what to do

Mirror lyrics:

I don't know what to do
I don't know what to do
Awaiting a false move
Oh no! Balancing in my head now

same ones and it's true
Everyone's got reason, but I don't have the
the other on the door
And it's one eye on the banquet table


You wouldn't like it
You wouldn't like the truth
It's what I don't tell you
Oh no! I'm lying if I'm talking

Keep being careful and
They give us the same answer
I talk it through with the cops
Oh no! I talk it over with mother

Haven't had a day alone since I met you
Haven't had a day alone

I wonder what to do
I wonder what to do
He doesn't have a clue
Oh no! Smirking the whole time Jim spoke

I wonder what to do
I wonder what to do
I watched 'em fasten the noose
Oh no! I had a thought and a feeling

Relevant Tags:
OOh NNo! h o! hO oN! kh mo! kOh mNo! Okh Nmo! 9h ho! 9Oh hNo! O9h Nho! 0h jo! 0Oh jNo!
O0h Njo! lh bo! lOh bNo! Olh Nbo! ih Noo! iOh N! Oih N!o Ohh Nk! O Nko!

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