Dean Martin
When Someone Thinks You're Wonderful

[from the movie "Scared Stiff"]

When someone wonderful thinks you're wonderful
Aladdin's lamp belongs to you
With someone beautiful it's so beautiful
To hear her sigh I love you I do.

Then suddenly you hear music
The sound of a thousand guitars
A kiss is a magic carpet to the stars.

When someone wonderful thinks you're wonderful
It's paradise a dream come true
Especially if that someone is you...

Mirror lyrics:

Especially if that someone is you...
It's paradise a dream come true
When someone wonderful thinks you're wonderful

A kiss is a magic carpet to the stars.
The sound of a thousand guitars
Then suddenly you hear music

To hear her sigh I love you I do.
With someone beautiful it's so beautiful
Aladdin's lamp belongs to you
When someone wonderful thinks you're wonderful

[from the movie "Scared Stiff"]

Relevant Tags:
WWhen SSomeone TThinks YYou're WWonderful hen omeone hinks ou're onderful hWen oSmeone hTinks oYu're oWnderful ahen zomeone fhinks gou're aonderful
aWhen zSomeone fThinks gYou're aWonderful Wahen Szomeone Tfhinks Ygou're Waonderful 3hen womeone 5hinks hou're 3onderful 3When wSomeone 5Thinks hYou're 3Wonderful
W3hen Swomeone T5hinks Yhou're W3onderful dhen domeone hhinks 6ou're donderful dWhen dSomeone hThinks 6You're dWonderful Wdhen Sdomeone Thhinks Y6ou're Wdonderful
ehen eomeone yhinks uou're eonderful eWhen eSomeone yThinks uYou're eWonderful Wehen Seomeone Tyhinks Yuou're Weonderful shen xomeone 6hinks 7ou're sonderful
sWhen xSomeone 6Thinks 7You're sWonderful Wshen Sxomeone T6hinks Y7ou're Wsonderful 2hen aomeone ghinks jou're 2onderful 2When aSomeone gThinks jYou're 2Wonderful
W2hen Saomeone Tghinks Yjou're W2onderful qhen Soomeone rhinks tou're qonderful qWhen Smeone rThinks tYou're qWonderful Wqhen Smoeone Trhinks Ytou're Wqonderful
Whhen Skmeone Yoou're Woonderful Wen Skomeone Tinks Yu're Wnderful Wehn Sokmeone Tihnks Yuo're Wnoderful Wjen S9meone Tjinks Yku're Wknderful
Wjhen S9omeone Tjhinks Ykou're Wkonderful Whjen So9meone Thjinks Yoku're Woknderful Wuen S0meone Tuinks Y9u're W9nderful Wuhen S0omeone Tuhinks Y9ou're W9onderful
Whuen So0meone Thuinks Yo9u're Wo9nderful Wnen Slmeone Tninks Y0u're W0nderful Wnhen Slomeone Tnhinks Y0ou're W0onderful Whnen Solmeone Thninks Yo0u're Wo0nderful
Wben Simeone Tbinks Ylu're Wlnderful Wbhen Siomeone Tbhinks Ylou're Wlonderful Whben Soimeone Thbinks Yolu're Wolnderful Wgen Sommeone Tginks Yiu're Winderful
Wghen Soeone Yiou're Wionderful Whgen Soemone Thginks Yoiu're Woinderful Wyen Sojeone Tyinks Youu're Wonnderful Wyhen Sojmeone Yo're Woderful
Whyen Somjeone Thyinks Yo'ure Wodnerful Wheen Sokeone Thiinks Yoh're Womderful Whn Thnks Yohu're Womnderful Whne Somkeone Thniks Youh're Wonmderful
Whsn Soneone Thjnks Yo7're Wohderful Whsen Sonmeone Yo7u're Wohnderful Whesn Somneone Thijnks You7're Wonhderful Wh3n Someeone Th9nks Yok're Wojderful
Wh3en Somone Th9inks Wojnderful Whe3n Somoene Thi9nks Youk're Wonjderful Whfn Somsone Thlnks Yoi're Wobderful Whfen Somseone Thlinks Wobnderful
Whefn Somesone Thilnks Youi're Wonbderful Whrn Som3one Thonks Yo8're Wondderful Whren Som3eone Thoinks Yo8u're Wonerful Whern Some3one Thionks You8're Wonedrful
Wh4n Somfone Thknks Yoj're Wonxerful Wh4en Somfeone Thkinks Yoju're Wonxderful Whe4n Somefone Thiknks Youj're Wondxerful Whdn Somrone Th8nks Yoy're Woneerful
Whden Somreone Th8inks Yoyu're Wonederful Whedn Somerone Thi8nks Youy're Wondeerful Whwn Som4one Thunks You''re Wonferful Whwen Som4eone Youre Wonfderful
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Whehn Somene Thihnks You'4re Wonsderful Whenh Somenoe Thinhks You'r4e Wondserful Whej Somekne Thijks You'ge Whejn Somekone You'gre Wondrful
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