Dean Martin
When You Pretend

(Jack Brooks, Harry Warren)

Although you're stuck with Dean's there's money in your jeans
When you pretend
The wolf that's at your door is not there anymore
When you pretend.

Ah there's nothing you can't be
Just wish and see
Why the world's your cup of tea
Some dish says me.

The happiness you find is all a state of mind
That's true my friend
And life is filled with happy endings
When you pretend.

There's nothing you can't be
Just wish and see
The world's your cup of tea
Some dish says me.

Ah the happiness you find is all a state of mind
That's true my friend
And life is filled with happy endings
When you pretend...

Mirror lyrics:

When you pretend...
And life is filled with happy endings
That's true my friend
Ah the happiness you find is all a state of mind

Some dish says me.
The world's your cup of tea
Just wish and see
There's nothing you can't be

When you pretend.
And life is filled with happy endings
That's true my friend
The happiness you find is all a state of mind

Some dish says me.
Why the world's your cup of tea
Just wish and see
Ah there's nothing you can't be

When you pretend.
The wolf that's at your door is not there anymore
When you pretend
Although you're stuck with Dean's there's money in your jeans

(Jack Brooks, Harry Warren)

Relevant Tags:
WWhen YYou PPretend hen ou retend hWen oYu rPetend ahen gou 0retend aWhen gYou 0Pretend Wahen Ygou P0retend 3hen hou lretend
3When hYou lPretend W3hen Yhou Plretend dhen 6ou oretend dWhen 6You oPretend Wdhen Y6ou Poretend ehen uou Prretend eWhen uYou Petend
Wehen Yuou Pertend shen 7ou Pdetend sWhen 7You Pdretend Wshen Y7ou Prdetend 2hen jou P4etend 2When jYou P4retend W2hen Yjou Pr4etend
qhen tou Pgetend qWhen tYou Pgretend Wqhen Ytou Prgetend Whhen Yoou Ptetend Wen Yu Ptretend Wehn Yuo Prtetend Wjen Yku P5etend
Wjhen Ykou P5retend Whjen Yoku Pr5etend Wuen Y9u Pfetend Wuhen Y9ou Pfretend Whuen Yo9u Prfetend Wnen Y0u Peetend Wnhen Y0ou Peretend
Whnen Yo0u Preetend Wben Ylu Wbhen Ylou Prtend Whben Yolu Prteend Wgen Yiu Prstend Wghen Yiou Prsetend Whgen Yoiu Prestend
Wyen Youu Pr3tend Wyhen Yo Pr3etend Whyen You Pre3tend Wheen Yoh Prftend Whn Yohu Whne Youh Preftend Whsn Yo7 Prrtend
Whsen Yo7u Whesn You7 Prertend Wh3n Yok Pr4tend Wh3en Whe3n Youk Pre4tend Whfn Yoi Prdtend Whfen
Whefn Youi Predtend Whrn Yo8 Prwtend Whren Yo8u Prwetend Whern You8 Prewtend Wh4n Yoj Prettend Wh4en Yoju Preend Whe4n Youj Preetnd
Whdn Yoy Prefend Whden Yoyu Whedn Youy Pretfend Whwn Pre5end Whwen Pre5tend

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