Dean Martin
What Could Be More Beautiful

(Sidney Lippman)

A sea of star dust a cool midsummer breeze
The dew of orchids, the rustle of the leaves
The quiet magic of silhouetted trees
What could be more beautiful?

The hush of evening so peaceful and so still
The brilliant glow of the moon beyond the hill
The sudden song of a lonely whippoorwill
What could be more beautiful?

What could match that moment when
The dawn paints the sky
Setting of the scene before
The birds start to fly.

To want to please and then to learn I do
To dream you need me and have my dreams come true
To know you love me as much as I love you
What could be more beautiful?

To want to please and then to learn I do
To dream you need me and have my dreams come true
To know you love me as much as I love you
What could be more beautiful?...

Mirror lyrics:

What could be more beautiful?...
To know you love me as much as I love you
To dream you need me and have my dreams come true
To want to please and then to learn I do

What could be more beautiful?
To know you love me as much as I love you
To dream you need me and have my dreams come true
To want to please and then to learn I do

The birds start to fly.
Setting of the scene before
The dawn paints the sky
What could match that moment when

What could be more beautiful?
The sudden song of a lonely whippoorwill
The brilliant glow of the moon beyond the hill
The hush of evening so peaceful and so still

What could be more beautiful?
The quiet magic of silhouetted trees
The dew of orchids, the rustle of the leaves
A sea of star dust a cool midsummer breeze

(Sidney Lippman)

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