Dean Martin
What Have You Done For Me Lately {from Scared Stif

I'm your chum
I forgot you're my chum
I'm your friend
Through thick and thin

I'm your pal
That's right you're my pal
'Til you die
Already I'm sick

Which reminds me when you were sick
Remember how I nursed you
Stayed by your side and wouldn't go away
Yeh, but what have you done for me lately
What did you do for me today
Today, everyday...

Mirror lyrics:

Today, everyday...
What did you do for me today
Yeh, but what have you done for me lately
Stayed by your side and wouldn't go away
Remember how I nursed you
Which reminds me when you were sick

Already I'm sick
'Til you die
That's right you're my pal
I'm your pal

Through thick and thin
I'm your friend
I forgot you're my chum
I'm your chum

Relevant Tags:
WWhat HHave YYou DDone FFor MMe LLately {{from SScared SStif hat ave ou one or e ately from cared tif
hWat aHve oYu oDne oFr eM aLtely f{rom cSared tSif ahat jave gou xone cor je kately {ffrom zcared ztif
aWhat jHave gYou xDone cFor jMe kLately {rom zScared zStif Wahat Hjave Ygou Dxone Fcor Mje Lkately {rfom Szcared Sztif
3hat uave hou eone ror ke oately {crom wcared wtif 3What uHave hYou eDone rFor kMe oLately {cfrom wScared wStif
W3hat Huave Yhou Deone Fror Mke Loately {fcrom Swcared Swtif dhat nave 6ou fone gor ne pately {rrom dcared dtif
dWhat nHave 6You fDone gFor nMe pLately {rfrom dScared dStif Wdhat Hnave Y6ou Dfone Fgor Mne Lpately {frrom Sdcared Sdtif
ehat bave uou rone tor Mee Laately {grom ecared etif eWhat bHave uYou rDone tFor M Ltely {gfrom eScared eStif
Wehat Hbave Yuou Drone Ftor Me Ltaely {fgrom Secared Setif shat gave 7ou cone vor Ms Lztely {trom xcared xtif
sWhat gHave 7You cDone vFor Mse Lzately {tfrom xScared xStif Wshat Hgave Y7ou Dcone Fvor Mes Laztely {ftrom Sxcared Sxtif
2hat yave jou sone dor M3 Lqtely {vrom acared atif 2What yHave jYou sDone dFor M3e Lqately {vfrom aScared aStif
W2hat Hyave Yjou Dsone Fdor Me3 Laqtely {fvrom Sacared Satif qhat Haave tou Doone Foor Mf Lstely {drom Sccared Sttif
qWhat Hve tYou Dne Fr Mfe Lsately {dfrom Sared Sif Wqhat Hvae Ytou Dnoe Fro Mef Lastely {fdrom Sacred Sitf
Whhat Hzve Yoou Dkne Fkr Mr Lwtely Sfared Sfif Wat Hzave Yu Dkone Fkor Mre Lwately {fom Sfcared Sftif
Waht Hazve Yuo Dokne Fokr Mer Lawtely {form Scfared Stfif Wjat Hqve Yku D9ne F9r M4 Lxtely {fdom Sxared S5if
Wjhat Hqave Ykou D9one F9or M4e Lxately S5tif Whjat Haqve Yoku Do9ne Fo9r Me4 Laxtely {frdom Scxared St5if
Wuat Hsve Y9u D0ne F0r Md Lattely {f4om Svared Shif Wuhat Hsave Y9ou D0one F0or Mde Laely {f4rom Svcared Shtif
Whuat Hasve Yo9u Do0ne Fo0r Med Laetly {fr4om Scvared Sthif Wnat Hwve Y0u Dlne Flr Mw Lafely {fgom Sdared Syif
Wnhat Hwave Y0ou Dlone Flor Mwe Laftely Sytif Whnat Hawve Yo0u Dolne Folr Mew Latfely {frgom Scdared Styif
Wbat Hxve Ylu Dine Fir La5ely {ftom Scaared S6if Wbhat Hxave Ylou Dione Fior La5tely Scred S6tif
Whbat Haxve Yolu Doine Foir Lat5ely {frtom Scraed St6if Wgat Havve Yiu Donne Forr Lahely {f5om Sczred Sgif
Wghat Hae Yiou Doe Fo Lahtely {f5rom Sczared Sgtif Whgat Haev Yoiu Doen For Lathely {fr5om Scazred Stgif
Wyat Habe Youu Dome Fod Layely {ffom Scqred Srif Wyhat Habve Yo Domne Fodr Laytely Scqared Srtif
Whyat Havbe You Donme Ford Latyely {frfom Scaqred Strif Whaat Hace Yoh Dohe Fo4 La6ely {feom Scsred Stiif
Wht Hacve Yohu Dohne Fo4r La6tely {ferom Scsared Stf Whta Havce Youh Donhe For4 Lat6ely {freom Scasred Stfi
Whzt Hage Yo7 Doje Fog Lagely {froom Scwred Stjf Whzat Hagve Yo7u Dojne Fogr Lagtely {frm Scwared Stjif
Whazt Havge You7 Donje Forg Latgely {frmo Scawred Stijf Whqt Hafe Yok Dobe Fot Larely {frkm Scxred St9f
Whqat Hafve Dobne Fotr Lartely {frkom St9if Whaqt Havfe Youk Donbe Fort Latrely {frokm Scaxred Sti9f
Whst Havee Yoi Donee Fo5 Lateely {fr9m Scarred Stlf Whsat Hav Don Fo5r Latly {fr9om Scaed Stlif

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