Dean Martin
Tonda Wanda Hoy

(Jerry Livingston - Mack David)

It's easier to say I love you than tonda wanda hoy comma kalai
And wouldn't you rather say I love you than tonda wanda hoy comma kalai
It's easier to spell kiss me dear than tonda wanda hoy comma kalai
And wouldn't you rather hear kiss me than (tonda wanda hoy comma kalai.)

To quote a famous Yale professor
Osculation is a sensation that is nice (so nice)
If you should ask a Harvard lawyer
He'll charge you twenty dollars and he'll give you this advice.

It's easier to say I love you than tonda wanda hoy comma kalai
And wouldn't you rather say I love you than tonda wanda comma kalai
(According to a famous Yale professor quote)
Osculation is a sensation that is nice (unquote.)

(If you should ask a Harvard lawyer)
He'll charge you twenty dollars and he'll give you this advice.

It's easier to say I love you than tonda wanda hoy comma kalai
(And wouldn't you rather say I love you than tonda wanda comma kalai)
(Tonda wanda comma kalai...)

Mirror lyrics:

(Tonda wanda comma kalai...)
(And wouldn't you rather say I love you than tonda wanda comma kalai)
It's easier to say I love you than tonda wanda hoy comma kalai

He'll charge you twenty dollars and he'll give you this advice.
(If you should ask a Harvard lawyer)

Osculation is a sensation that is nice (unquote.)
(According to a famous Yale professor quote)
And wouldn't you rather say I love you than tonda wanda comma kalai
It's easier to say I love you than tonda wanda hoy comma kalai

He'll charge you twenty dollars and he'll give you this advice.
If you should ask a Harvard lawyer
Osculation is a sensation that is nice (so nice)
To quote a famous Yale professor

And wouldn't you rather hear kiss me than (tonda wanda hoy comma kalai.)
It's easier to spell kiss me dear than tonda wanda hoy comma kalai
And wouldn't you rather say I love you than tonda wanda hoy comma kalai
It's easier to say I love you than tonda wanda hoy comma kalai

(Jerry Livingston - Mack David)

Relevant Tags:
TTonda WWanda HHoy onda anda oy oTnda aWnda oHy fonda aanda joy fTonda aWanda jHoy Tfonda Waanda Hjoy 5onda 3anda uoy
5Tonda 3Wanda uHoy T5onda W3anda Huoy honda danda noy hTonda dWanda nHoy Thonda Wdanda Hnoy yonda eanda boy yTonda eWanda bHoy
Tyonda Weanda Hboy 6onda sanda goy 6Tonda sWanda gHoy T6onda Wsanda Hgoy gonda 2anda yoy gTonda 2Wanda yHoy Tgonda W2anda Hyoy
ronda qanda Hooy rTonda qWanda Hy Tronda Wqanda Hyo Toonda Hky Tnda Wnda Hkoy Tnoda Wnada Hoky Tknda Wznda H9y
Tkonda Wzanda H9oy Toknda Waznda Ho9y T9nda Wqnda H0y T9onda H0oy To9nda Waqnda Ho0y T0nda Wsnda Hly T0onda Hloy
To0nda Wasnda Holy Tlnda Wwnda Hiy Tlonda Wwanda Hioy Tolnda Wawnda Hoiy Tinda Wxnda Hoyy Tionda Wxanda Ho Toinda Waxnda Hoy
Tonnda Wannda Hog Toda Wada Hogy Todna Wadna Hoyg Tomda Wamda Hoh Tomnda Wamnda Hohy

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