Dean Martin
There's No Tomorrow (o Sole Mio)

Love is a flower
That blooms so tender
Each kiss a dew drop
Of sweet surrender.

Love is a moment
Of life enchanting
Let's take that moment
That tonight is granting.

There's no tomorrow
When love is new
Now is forever
When love is true
So kiss me and hold me tight
There's no tomorow
There's just tonight.

(There's no tomorrow
When love is new
Now is forever
When love is true.)

So kiss me and hold me tight
There's no tomorow
There's just tonight ...

Mirror lyrics:

There's just tonight ...
There's no tomorow
So kiss me and hold me tight

When love is true.)
Now is forever
When love is new
(There's no tomorrow

There's just tonight.
There's no tomorow
So kiss me and hold me tight
When love is true
Now is forever
When love is new
There's no tomorrow

That tonight is granting.
Let's take that moment
Of life enchanting
Love is a moment

Of sweet surrender.
Each kiss a dew drop
That blooms so tender
Love is a flower

Relevant Tags:
TThere's NNo TTomorrow ((o SSole MMio) here's o omorrow o ole io) hTere's oN oTmorrow o( oSle iMo) fhere's mo fomorrow (oo zole jio) fThere's mNo fTomorrow ( zSole jMio)
Tfhere's Nmo Tfomorrow (o Szole Mjio) 5here's ho 5omorrow (k wole kio) 5There's hNo 5Tomorrow (ko wSole kMio) T5here's Nho T5omorrow (ok Swole Mkio) hhere's jo homorrow (9 dole nio)
hThere's jNo hTomorrow (9o dSole nMio) Thhere's Njo Thomorrow (o9 Sdole Mnio) yhere's bo yomorrow (0 eole Miio) yThere's bNo yTomorrow (0o eSole Mo) Tyhere's Nbo Tyomorrow (o0 Seole Moi)
6here's Noo 6omorrow (l xole Mjo) 6There's N 6Tomorrow (lo xSole T6here's No T6omorrow (ol Sxole Mijo) ghere's Nk gomorrow (i aole M9o) gThere's Nko gTomorrow (io aSole M9io)
Tghere's Nok Tgomorrow (oi Saole Mi9o) rhere's N9 romorrow Soole Mlo) rThere's N9o rTomorrow Sle Mlio) Trhere's No9 Tromorrow Sloe Milo) N0 Toomorrow Skle Moo)
Tere's N0o Tmorrow Skole Moio) Tehre's No0 Tmoorrow Sokle Mioo) Tjere's Nl Tkmorrow S9le Mko) Tjhere's Nlo Tkomorrow S9ole Thjere's Nol Tokmorrow So9le Miko)
Tuere's Ni T9morrow S0le M8o) Tuhere's Nio T9omorrow S0ole M8io) Thuere's Noi To9morrow So0le Mi8o) Tnere's T0morrow Slle Muo) Tnhere's T0omorrow Slole Muio)
Thnere's To0morrow Solle Miuo) Tbere's Tlmorrow Sile Tbhere's Tlomorrow Siole Mi) Thbere's Tolmorrow Soile Mi)o Tgere's Timorrow Mik)
Tiomorrow Soe Thgere's Toimorrow Soel Miok) Tyere's Tommorrow Soke Mi9) Toorrow Thyere's Toomrrow Solke Mio9)
Theere's Tojorrow Sooe Mi0) Thre's Tojmorrow Mi0o) Three's Tomjorrow Soloe Mio0) Thsre's Tokorrow Sope Mil) Thsere's Sople
Thesre's Tomkorrow Solpe Miol) Th3re's Tonorrow Solee Mii) Th3ere's Tonmorrow Sol The3re's Tomnorrow Sole Mioi) Thfre's Tomoorrow Sols Mio))
Thfere's Tomrrow Solse Mio Thefre's Tomrorow Soles Mio) Thrre's Tomkrrow Sol3 Threre's Sol3e Therre's Tomokrrow Sole3
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