Dean Martin
The Old Calliope {from Sailor Beware}

My grandpa was a minstrel man
A minstrel man was he
And to tell the truth I guess
I've got some minstrel blood in me.

You can have all the harps in heaven
Blow all the horns here on the ground
But I find I still get my greatest thrill
Every time I hear this sound.

I love to hear that old calliope
I love the melody of an old calliope
And when you hear the thrilling harmony
Gather round the minstrel's show's in town.

It sounds so good
That old calliope
What is more heavenly
Than an old calliope
Here comes the band
Oh what a sight to see
Gather round the minstrel's show's in town.

Banjos strumming
Folks are humming
Minstrel's coming
What a show what a show
(Both) It's the finest show I know.

It's coming near (JL) Coming near coming near
That old calliope (JL) What a sight to see
Oh what a melody (JL) What a melody
Oh the old calliope (JL) Old calliope
(Both) So loud and clear
That thrilling harmony
Gather round the minstrel's show's in town.

There's the interlocutor
And Mr. Bones so full of life
Who's that lady you were with last night
(JL) That was no lady that was my wife
(DM) Ha ha (JL) Ha Ha (DM) Ho ho (JL) Ho ho
(Both) What a show what a show what a show.

Says the interlocutor
To Mr. Bones so full of pride
Why does a chicken cross the road
(JL) Why to get to the other side.

I love to hear that old calliope
I love the melody of an old calliope
(JL) And when you hear that thrilling harmony
(Both) Gather round the minstrel's show's in town...

Mirror lyrics:

(Both) Gather round the minstrel's show's in town...
(JL) And when you hear that thrilling harmony
I love the melody of an old calliope
I love to hear that old calliope

(JL) Why to get to the other side.
Why does a chicken cross the road
To Mr. Bones so full of pride
Says the interlocutor

(Both) What a show what a show what a show.
(DM) Ha ha (JL) Ha Ha (DM) Ho ho (JL) Ho ho
(JL) That was no lady that was my wife
Who's that lady you were with last night
And Mr. Bones so full of life
There's the interlocutor

Gather round the minstrel's show's in town.
That thrilling harmony
(Both) So loud and clear
Oh the old calliope (JL) Old calliope
Oh what a melody (JL) What a melody
That old calliope (JL) What a sight to see
It's coming near (JL) Coming near coming near

(Both) It's the finest show I know.
What a show what a show
Minstrel's coming
Folks are humming
Banjos strumming

Gather round the minstrel's show's in town.
Oh what a sight to see
Here comes the band
Than an old calliope
What is more heavenly
That old calliope
It sounds so good

Gather round the minstrel's show's in town.
And when you hear the thrilling harmony
I love the melody of an old calliope
I love to hear that old calliope

Every time I hear this sound.
But I find I still get my greatest thrill
Blow all the horns here on the ground
You can have all the harps in heaven

I've got some minstrel blood in me.
And to tell the truth I guess
A minstrel man was he
My grandpa was a minstrel man

Relevant Tags:
TThe OOld CCalliope {{from SSailor BBeware} he ld alliope from ailor eware} hTe lOd aClliope f{rom aSilor eBware}
fhe kld falliope {ffrom zailor veware} fThe kOld fCalliope {rom zSailor vBeware} Tfhe Okld Cfalliope {rfom Szailor Bveware}
5he 9ld xalliope {crom wailor geware} 5The 9Old xCalliope {cfrom wSailor gBeware} T5he O9ld Cxalliope {fcrom Swailor Bgeware}
hhe 0ld valliope {rrom dailor neware} hThe 0Old vCalliope {rfrom dSailor nBeware} Thhe O0ld Cvalliope {frrom Sdailor Bneware}
yhe lld dalliope {grom eailor heware} yThe lOld dCalliope {gfrom eSailor hBeware} Tyhe Olld Cdalliope {fgrom Seailor Bheware}
6he ild Caalliope {trom xailor Beeware} 6The iOld Clliope {tfrom xSailor Bware} T6he Oild Claliope {ftrom Sxailor Bweare}
ghe Czlliope {vrom aailor Bsware} gThe Od Czalliope {vfrom aSailor Bseware} Tghe Odl Cazlliope {fvrom Saailor Besware}
rhe Okd Cqlliope {drom B3ware} rThe Cqalliope {dfrom Silor B3eware} Trhe Olkd Caqlliope {fdrom Sialor Be3ware}
Ood Cslliope Szilor Bfware} Te Oold Csalliope {fom Bfeware} Teh Olod Caslliope {form Sazilor Befware}
Tje Opd Cwlliope {fdom Sqilor Brware} Tjhe Opld Cwalliope Sqailor Breware} Thje Olpd Cawlliope {frdom Saqilor Berware}
Tue Oldd Cxlliope {f4om Ssilor B4ware} Tuhe Ol {f4rom Ssailor B4eware} Thue Old Caxlliope {fr4om Sasilor Be4ware}
Tne Olx Callliope {fgom Swilor Bdware} Tnhe Olxd Caliope Bdeware} Thne Oldx Calliope {frgom Sawilor Bedware}
Tbe Ole Cakliope {ftom Sxilor Bwware} Tbhe Oled Caklliope Bweware} Thbe Olde Calkliope {frtom Saxilor Bewware}
Tge Olf Caoliope {f5om Saiilor Olfd Caolliope {f5rom Salor Beare} Thge Oldf Caloliope {fr5om Salior Beawre}
Tye Olr Capliope {ffom Sajlor Beaare} Olrd Caplliope Sajilor Beaware} Thye Oldr Calpliope {frfom Saijlor Bewaare}
Thee Olc {feom Sa9lor Be3are} Th Olcd {ferom Sa9ilor The Oldc Calilope {freom Sai9lor Bew3are}
Ths Ols Calkiope {froom Sallor Bedare} Thse Olsd {frm Salilor Thes Olds Callkiope {frmo Saillor Bewdare}
Th3 Caloiope {frkm Saolor Beeare} Th3e {frkom Saoilor The3 Calloiope {frokm Saiolor Beweare}
Thf Calpiope {fr9m Saklor Besare} Thfe {fr9om Sakilor Thef Callpiope {fro9m Saiklor Bewsare}
Thr Calliiope {fr0m Sa8lor Be2are} Thre Callope {fr0om Sa8ilor Be2ware}

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