Dean Martin
The Things We Did Last Summer

(Sammy Cahn - Jule Styne)

The boat rides we would take
The moonlight on the lake
The way we danced and hummed our favorite songs
The things we did last summer I'll remember all winter long.

The Midway and the fun
The Cupie dolls we won
The bell I rung to prove that I was strong
The things we did last summer I'll remember all winter long.

The early morning hike
The rented tandem bike
The lunches that we used to pack
We never could explain the sudden summer rain
The looks we got when we got back.

The leaves began to fade like promises we made
How could a love that seemed so right go wrong
The things we did last summer I'll remember all winter long
I'll remember all winter long...

Mirror lyrics:

I'll remember all winter long...
The things we did last summer I'll remember all winter long
How could a love that seemed so right go wrong
The leaves began to fade like promises we made

The looks we got when we got back.
We never could explain the sudden summer rain
The lunches that we used to pack
The rented tandem bike
The early morning hike

The things we did last summer I'll remember all winter long.
The bell I rung to prove that I was strong
The Cupie dolls we won
The Midway and the fun

The things we did last summer I'll remember all winter long.
The way we danced and hummed our favorite songs
The moonlight on the lake
The boat rides we would take

(Sammy Cahn - Jule Styne)

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TThe TThings WWe DDid LLast SSummer he hings e id ast ummer hTe hTings eW iDd aLst uSmmer fhe fhings ae xid kast zummer fThe fThings aWe xDid kLast zSummer
Tfhe Tfhings Wae Dxid Lkast Szummer 5he 5hings 3e eid oast wummer 5The 5Things 3We eDid oLast wSummer T5he T5hings W3e Deid Loast Swummer hhe hhings de fid past dummer
hThe hThings dWe fDid pLast dSummer Thhe Thhings Wde Dfid Lpast Sdummer yhe yhings ee rid Laast eummer yThe yThings eWe rDid Lst eSummer Tyhe Tyhings Wee Drid Lsat Seummer
6he 6hings se cid Lzst xummer 6The 6Things sWe cDid Lzast xSummer T6he T6hings Wse Dcid Lazst Sxummer ghe ghings 2e sid Lqst aummer gThe gThings 2We sDid Lqast aSummer
Tghe Tghings W2e Dsid Laqst Saummer rhe rhings qe Diid Lsst Suummer rThe rThings qWe Dd Lsast Smmer Trhe Trhings Wqe Ddi Lasst Smumer Djd Lwst Shmmer
Te Tings W Djid Lwast Shummer Teh Tihngs We Dijd Lawst Suhmmer Tje Tjings Ws D9d Lxst S7mmer Tjhe Tjhings D9id Lxast S7ummer Thje Thjings Wes Di9d Laxst Su7mmer
Tue Tuings W3 Dld Skmmer Tuhe Tuhings Dlid Lat Skummer Thue Thuings We3 Dild Lats Sukmmer Tne Tnings Wf Dod Lazt Simmer Tnhe Tnhings Wfe Doid Siummer
Thne Thnings Wef Diod Laszt Suimmer Tbe Tbings Wr Dkd Lawt S8mmer Tbhe Tbhings Wre Dkid S8ummer Thbe Thbings Wer Dikd Laswt Su8mmer Tge Tgings W4 D8d Ladt Sjmmer
W4e D8id Ladst Sjummer Thge Thgings We4 Di8d Lasdt Sujmmer Tye Tyings Wd Dud Laet Symmer Duid Laest Syummer Thye Thyings Wed Diud Laset Suymmer
Thee Thiings Ww Didd Laxt Summmer Th Thngs Wwe Di Sumer The Thnigs Wew Did Lasxt Summer Ths Thjngs Dix Laat Sujmer Thse Dixd
Thes Thijngs Didx Lasat Sumjmer Th3 Th9ngs Die Lastt Sukmer Th3e Th9ings Died Las The3 Thi9ngs Dide Last Sumkmer Thf Thlngs Dif Lasf Sunmer
Thfe Thlings Difd Lasft Sunmmer Thef Thilngs Didf Lastf Sumnmer Thr Thongs Dir Las5 Thre Thoings Dird Las5t

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