Dear Juliet
If The Moon Fell Down Tonight

Everytime I see your smile
it makes my heart beat fast
And though it's much too soon to tell
I'm hoping this will last

'Cause I just always wanna have you
Right here by my side
The futures near but never certain
At least stay here for just tonight

I must have done something right
To deserve you in my life
I must have done something right along the way

I just can't get you off my mind and why would I even try?
Even when I close my eyes I dream about you all the time

And even if the moon fell down tonight,
There'd be nothing to worry about to worry about at all,
because you make the whole world shine
As long as you're here everything will be alright

Mirror lyrics:

As long as you're here everything will be alright
because you make the whole world shine
There'd be nothing to worry about to worry about at all,
And even if the moon fell down tonight,

Even when I close my eyes I dream about you all the time
I just can't get you off my mind and why would I even try?

I must have done something right along the way
To deserve you in my life
I must have done something right

At least stay here for just tonight
The futures near but never certain
Right here by my side
'Cause I just always wanna have you

I'm hoping this will last
And though it's much too soon to tell
it makes my heart beat fast
Everytime I see your smile

Relevant Tags:
IIf TThe MMoon FFell DDown TTonight f he oon ell own onight fI hTe oMon eFll oDwn oTnight jf fhe joon cell xown fonight jIf fThe jMoon cFell xDown fTonight
Ijf Tfhe Mjoon Fcell Dxown Tfonight 9f 5he koon rell eown 5onight 9If 5The kMoon rFell eDown 5Tonight I9f T5he Mkoon Frell Deown T5onight lf hhe noon gell fown honight
lIf hThe nMoon gFell fDown hTonight Ilf Thhe Mnoon Fgell Dfown Thonight of yhe Mooon tell rown yonight oIf yThe Mon tFell rDown yTonight Iof Tyhe Moon Ftell Drown Tyonight
kf 6he Mkon vell cown 6onight kIf 6The vFell cDown 6Tonight Ikf T6he Mokon Fvell Dcown T6onight 8f ghe M9on dell sown gonight 8If gThe M9oon dFell sDown gTonight
I8f Tghe Mo9on Fdell Dsown Tgonight uf rhe M0on Feell Doown ronight uIf rThe M0oon Fll Dwn rTonight Iuf Trhe Mo0on Flel Dwon Tronight Iff Mlon Fsll Dkwn Toonight
I Te Mloon Fsell Dkown Tnight If Teh Molon Fesll Dokwn Tnoight Ic Tje Mion F3ll D9wn Tknight Icf Tjhe Mioon F3ell D9own Tkonight Ifc Thje Moion Fe3ll Do9wn Toknight
Ir Tue Ffll D0wn T9night Irf Tuhe Ffell D0own T9onight Ifr Thue Mono Fefll Do0wn To9night Ig Tne Mokn Frll Dlwn T0night Igf Tnhe Dlown T0onight
Ifg Thne Mookn Ferll Dolwn To0night It Tbe Mo9n F4ll Diwn Tlnight Itf Tbhe F4ell Diown Tlonight Ift Thbe Moo9n Fe4ll Doiwn Tolnight Iv Tge Mo0n Fdll Dowwn Tinight
Ivf Don Tionight Ifv Thge Moo0n Fedll Donw Toinight Id Tye Moln Fwll Doan Tonnight Idf Fwell Doawn Toight Ifd Thye Mooln Fewll Dowan Toinght
Thee Moin Felll Do3n Tomight Th Fel Do3wn Tomnight The Mooin Fell Dow3n Tonmight Ths Moonn Fekl Dodn Tohight Thse Moo Fekll Dodwn Tohnight
Thes Felkl Dowdn Tonhight Th3 Moom Feol Doen Tojight Th3e Moomn Feoll Doewn Tojnight The3 Moonm Felol Dowen Tonjight Thf Mooh Fepl Dosn Tobight
Thfe Moohn Fepll Doswn Tobnight Thef Moonh Felpl Dowsn Tonbight Thr Mooj Do2n Toniight Thre Moojn Do2wn Tonght Ther Moonj Dow2n Tongiht
Th4 Moob Felk Doqn Tonjght Th4e Moobn Doqwn The4 Moonb Fellk Dowqn Tonijght Thd Felo Downn Ton9ght Thde Dow Ton9ight
Thed Fello Down Toni9ght Thw Felp Dowm Tonlght Thwe Dowmn Tonlight Thew Fellp Downm Tonilght Dowh Tonoght

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