Debbie Friedman
Let Us Adore

(Let us adore the everliving God and render praise
unto Him, Who spread out the heavens
(and established) (2x) the earth.
) (2x)Let us adore.....He is our God and there is none
else.Va'anachnu korim umishtachavim umodimLif'nei melech
ha'm'lachim.Let us adore.....

Mirror lyrics:

ha'm'lachim.Let us adore.....
else.Va'anachnu korim umishtachavim umodimLif'nei melech
) (2x)Let us adore.....He is our God and there is none
(and established) (2x) the earth.
unto Him, Who spread out the heavens
(Let us adore the everliving God and render praise

Relevant Tags:
LLet UUs AAdore et s dore eLt sU dAore ket hs zdore kLet hUs zAdore Lket Uhs Azdore oet 7s qdore oLet 7Us qAdore Loet U7s Aqdore
pet ks sdore pLet kUs sAdore Lpet Uks Asdore Leet is wdore Lt iUs wAdore Lte Uis Awdore Lst 8s xdore Lset 8Us xAdore Lest U8s Axdore
L3t js Addore L3et jUs Aore Le3t Ujs Aodre Lft ys Axore Lfet yUs Left Uys Adxore Lrt Uss Aeore Lret U Aedore Lert Us Adeore
L4t Uz Afore L4et Uzs Afdore Le4t Usz Adfore Ldt Uw Arore Ldet Uws Ardore Ledt Usw Adrore Lwt Ud Acore Lwet Uds Acdore Lewt Usd Adcore
Lett Ue Asore Le Ues Let Use Adsore Lef Ux Adoore Uxs Adre Letf Usx Adroe Le5 Ua Adkre Le5t Uas Adkore Let5 Usa Adokre
Leh Ad9re Leht Ad9ore Leth Ado9re Ley Ad0re

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