Debbie Boone
You Light Up My Life

So many nights I sit by my window
Waiting for someone to sing me his song
So many dreams I kept deep inside me
Alone in the dark but now
You've come along

You light up my life
You give me hope
To carry on
You light up my days
and fill my nights with song

Rollin' at sea, adrift on the water
Could it be finally I'm turning for home?
Finally, a chance to say hey,
I love You
Never again to be all alone

You light up my life
You give me hope
To carry on
You light up my days
and fill my nights with song

You light up my life
You give me hope
To carry on
You light up my days
and fill my nights with song

It can't be wrong
When it feels so right
'Cause You
You light up my life

Mirror lyrics:

You light up my life
'Cause You
When it feels so right
It can't be wrong

and fill my nights with song
You light up my days
To carry on
You give me hope
You light up my life

and fill my nights with song
You light up my days
To carry on
You give me hope
You light up my life

Never again to be all alone
I love You
Finally, a chance to say hey,
Could it be finally I'm turning for home?
Rollin' at sea, adrift on the water

and fill my nights with song
You light up my days
To carry on
You give me hope
You light up my life

You've come along
Alone in the dark but now
So many dreams I kept deep inside me
Waiting for someone to sing me his song
So many nights I sit by my window

Relevant Tags:
YYou LLight UUp MMy LLife ou ight p y ife oYu iLght pU yM iLfe gou kight hp jy kife gYou kLight hUp jMy kLife Ygou Lkight Uhp Mjy Lkife
hou oight 7p ky oife hYou oLight 7Up kMy oLife Yhou Loight U7p Mky Loife 6ou pight kp ny pife 6You pLight kUp nMy pLife Y6ou Lpight Ukp Mny Lpife
uou Liight ip Myy Liife uYou Lght iUp M Lfe Yuou Lgiht Uip My Lfie 7ou Ljght 8p Mg Ljfe 7You Ljight 8Up Mgy Ljife Y7ou Lijght U8p Myg Lijfe
jou L9ght jp Mh L9fe jYou L9ight jUp Mhy L9ife Yjou Li9ght Ujp Myh Li9fe tou Llght yp M6 Llfe tYou Llight yUp M6y Llife Ytou Lilght Uyp My6 Lilfe
Yoou Loght Upp Mu Lofe Yu U Muy Yuo Lioght Up Myu Liofe Yku Lkght U0 M7 Lkfe Ykou U0p M7y Yoku Likght Up0 My7 Likfe
Y9u L8ght Ul Mj L8fe Y9ou L8ight Ulp L8ife Yo9u Li8ght Upl Myj Li8fe Y0u Lught Uo Mt Lufe Y0ou Luight Uop Mty Luife Yo0u Liught Upo Myt Liufe
Ylu Ligght Liffe Ylou Liht Lie Yolu Lihgt Lief Yiu Lihht Lice Yiou Lihght Licfe Yoiu Lighht Lifce
Youu Liyht Lire Yo Liyght Lirfe You Ligyht Lifre Yoh Libht Lige Yohu Libght Ligfe

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