Coming Home (feat. Dirty Money And Skylar Grey)

I’m coming home
I’m coming home
Tell the World I’m coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they’ve forgiven my mistakes
I’m coming home, I’m coming home
Tell the World that I’m coming

Back where I belong, yeah I never felt so strong
(I’m back baby)
I feel like there’s nothing that I can’t try
And if you with me put your hands high
(put your hands high)
If you ever lost a light before, this ones for you
And you, the dreams are for you

I hear “The Tears of a Clown”
I hate that song
I feel like they talking to me when it comes on
Another day another Dawn
Another Keisha, nice to meet ya, get the math I’m gone
What am I ‘posed to do when the club lights come on
Its easy to be Puff, its harder to be Sean
What if the twins ask why I aint marry their mom (why, damn!)
How do I respond?
What if my son stares with a face like my own
And says he wants to be like me when he’s grown
Sh-t! But I aint finished growing
Another night the inevitible prolongs
Another day another Dawn
Just tell Taneka and Taresha I’ll be better in the morn’
Another lie that I carry on
I need to get back to the place I belong

[Dirty Money - Chorus]
I’m coming home
I’m coming home
Tell the World I’m coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they’ve forgiven my mistakes
I’m coming home, I’m coming home
Tell the World that I’m coming

[Diddy - Verse 2]
“A house is Not a Home“, I hate this song
Is a house really a home when your loved ones are gone
And n-ggas got the nerve to blame you for it
And you know you woulda took the bullet if you saw it
But oyu felt it and still feel it
And money can’t make up for it or conceal it
But you deal with it and you keep ballin’
Pour out some liquor, play ball and we keep ballin’
Baby we’ve been living in sin ’cause we’ve been really in love
But we’ve been living as friends
So you’ve been a guest in your own home
It’s time to make your house your home
Pick up your phone, come on

[Dirty Money - Chorus]
I’m coming home
I’m coming home
Tell the World I’m coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they’ve forgiven my mistakes
I’m coming home, I’m coming home
Tell the World that I’m coming

[Diddy - Verse 3]
“Ain’t No Stopping Us Now“, I love that song
Whenever it comes on it makes me feel strong
I thought I told y’all that we won’t stop
We back cruising through Harlem, Viso blocks
It’s what made me, saved me, drove me crazy
Drove me away than embraced me
Forgave me for all of my shortcomings
Welcome to my homecoming
Yeah it’s been a long time coming
Lot of fights, lot of scars, lot of bottles
Lot of cars, lot of ups, lot of downs
Made it back, lost my dog (I miss you BIG)
And here I stand, a better man! (a better man)
Thank you Lord (Thank you Lord)

[Dirty Money - Chorus]
I’m coming home
I’m coming home
Tell the World I’m coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they’ve forgiven my mistakes
I’m coming home, I’m coming home
Tell the World that I’m coming

Mirror lyrics:

Tell the World that I’m coming
I’m coming home, I’m coming home
I know my kingdom awaits and they’ve forgiven my mistakes
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
Tell the World I’m coming home
I’m coming home
I’m coming home
[Dirty Money - Chorus]

Thank you Lord (Thank you Lord)
And here I stand, a better man! (a better man)
Made it back, lost my dog (I miss you BIG)
Lot of cars, lot of ups, lot of downs
Lot of fights, lot of scars, lot of bottles
Yeah it’s been a long time coming
Welcome to my homecoming
Forgave me for all of my shortcomings
Drove me away than embraced me
It’s what made me, saved me, drove me crazy
We back cruising through Harlem, Viso blocks
I thought I told y’all that we won’t stop
Whenever it comes on it makes me feel strong
“Ain’t No Stopping Us Now“, I love that song
[Diddy - Verse 3]

Tell the World that I’m coming
I’m coming home, I’m coming home
I know my kingdom awaits and they’ve forgiven my mistakes
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
Tell the World I’m coming home
I’m coming home
I’m coming home
[Dirty Money - Chorus]

Pick up your phone, come on
It’s time to make your house your home
So you’ve been a guest in your own home
But we’ve been living as friends
Baby we’ve been living in sin ’cause we’ve been really in love
Pour out some liquor, play ball and we keep ballin’
But you deal with it and you keep ballin’
And money can’t make up for it or conceal it
But oyu felt it and still feel it
And you know you woulda took the bullet if you saw it
And n-ggas got the nerve to blame you for it
Is a house really a home when your loved ones are gone
“A house is Not a Home“, I hate this song
[Diddy - Verse 2]

Tell the World that I’m coming
I’m coming home, I’m coming home
I know my kingdom awaits and they’ve forgiven my mistakes
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
Tell the World I’m coming home
I’m coming home
I’m coming home
[Dirty Money - Chorus]

I need to get back to the place I belong
Another lie that I carry on
Just tell Taneka and Taresha I’ll be better in the morn’
Another day another Dawn
Another night the inevitible prolongs
Sh-t! But I aint finished growing
And says he wants to be like me when he’s grown
What if my son stares with a face like my own
How do I respond?
What if the twins ask why I aint marry their mom (why, damn!)
Its easy to be Puff, its harder to be Sean
What am I ‘posed to do when the club lights come on
Another Keisha, nice to meet ya, get the math I’m gone
Another day another Dawn
I feel like they talking to me when it comes on
I hate that song
I hear “The Tears of a Clown”

And you, the dreams are for you
If you ever lost a light before, this ones for you
(put your hands high)
And if you with me put your hands high
I feel like there’s nothing that I can’t try
(I’m back baby)
Back where I belong, yeah I never felt so strong

Tell the World that I’m coming
I’m coming home, I’m coming home
I know my kingdom awaits and they’ve forgiven my mistakes
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
Tell the World I’m coming home
I’m coming home
I’m coming home

Relevant Tags:
CComing HHome ((feat. DDirty MMoney AAnd SSkylar GGrey) oming ome feat. irty oney nd kylar rey) oCming oHme f(eat. iDrty oMney nAd kSylar rGey)
foming jome (ffeat. xirty joney znd zkylar hrey) fComing jHome (eat. xDirty jMoney zAnd zSkylar hGrey) Cfoming Hjome (efat. Dxirty Mjoney Aznd Szkylar Ghrey)
xoming uome (ceat. eirty koney qnd wkylar yrey) xComing uHome (cfeat. eDirty kMoney qAnd wSkylar yGrey) Cxoming Huome (fceat. Deirty Mkoney Aqnd Swkylar Gyrey)
voming nome (reat. firty noney snd dkylar brey) vComing nHome (rfeat. fDirty nMoney sAnd dSkylar bGrey) Cvoming Hnome (freat. Dfirty Mnoney Asnd Sdkylar Gbrey)
doming bome (geat. rirty Mooney wnd ekylar vrey) dComing bHome (gfeat. rDirty Mney wAnd eSkylar vGrey) Cdoming Hbome (fgeat. Drirty Mnoey Awnd Sekylar Gvrey)
Cooming gome (teat. cirty Mkney xnd xkylar frey) Cming gHome (tfeat. cDirty xAnd xSkylar fGrey) Cmoing Hgome (fteat. Dcirty Mokney Axnd Sxkylar Gfrey)
Ckming yome (veat. sirty M9ney Annd akylar trey) Ckoming yHome (vfeat. sDirty M9oney Ad aSkylar tGrey) Cokming Hyome (fveat. Dsirty Mo9ney Adn Sakylar Gtrey)
C9ming Hoome (deat. Diirty M0ney Amd Skkylar Grrey) C9oming Hme (dfeat. Drty M0oney Amnd Sylar Gey) Co9ming Hmoe (fdeat. Drity Mo0ney Anmd Syklar Gery)
C0ming Hkme (feeat. Djrty Mlney Ahd Slylar Gdey) C0oming Hkome (fat. Djirty Mloney Ahnd Slkylar Gdrey) Co0ming Hokme (faet. Dijrty Molney Anhd Sklylar Grdey)
Clming H9me (fsat. D9rty Miney Ajd Soylar G4ey) Cloming H9ome (fseat. D9irty Mioney Ajnd Sokylar G4rey) Colming Ho9me (fesat. Di9rty Moiney Anjd Skoylar Gr4ey)
Ciming H0me (f3at. Dlrty Monney Abd Smylar Ggey) Cioming H0ome (f3eat. Dlirty Moey Abnd Smkylar Ggrey) Coiming Ho0me (fe3at. Dilrty Moeny Anbd Skmylar Grgey)
Comming Hlme (ffat. Dorty Momey Andd Sjylar Gtey) Coing Hlome Doirty Momney An Sjkylar Coimng Holme (fefat. Diorty Monmey And Skjylar Grtey)
Cojing Hime (frat. Dkrty Mohey Anx Siylar G5ey) Cojming Hiome Dkirty Mohney Anxd Sikylar G5rey) Comjing Hoime (ferat. Dikrty Monhey Andx Skiylar Gr5ey)
Coking Homme (f4at. D8rty Mojey Ane Skyylar Gfey) Hoe (f4eat. D8irty Mojney Aned Sklar Comking Hoem (fe4at. Di8rty Monjey Ande Sklyar Grfey)
Coning Hoje (fdat. Durty Mobey Anf Skglar Geey) Conming Hojme Duirty Mobney Anfd Skgylar Gerey) Comning Homje (fedat. Diurty Monbey Andf Skyglar Greey)
Comiing Hoke (fwat. Dirrty Moneey Anr Skhlar Comng (fweat. Dity Mony Anrd Skhylar Gry) Comnig Homke (fewat. Ditry Monye Andr Skyhlar Grye)
Comjng Hone (feaat. Didty Monsy Anc Sk6lar Grsy) Honme (fet. Didrty Monsey Ancd Sk6ylar Grsey) Comijng Homne (feta. Dirdty Monesy Andc Sky6lar Gresy)
Com9ng Homee (fezt. Di4ty Mon3y Ans Skular Gr3y) Com9ing Hom (fezat. Di4rty Mon3ey Ansd Skuylar Gr3ey) Comi9ng Home (feazt. Dir4ty Mone3y Ands Skyular Gre3y)
Comlng Homs (feqt. Digty Monfy Sk7lar Grfy) Comling Homse (feqat. Digrty Monfey Sk7ylar Comilng Homes (feaqt. Dirgty Monefy Sky7lar Grefy)
Comong Hom3 (fest. Ditty Monry Skjlar Grry)

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