Feelin' So Good (bad Boy Remix)

Damn, you look good

Rap by P. Diddy

When I opened up my eyes today
Felt the sun shining on my face
It became so clear to me that everything is goin my way
I feel like there's no limit to what I can see
Got rid of fears that were holding me
My endless possibilities
Has the whole world opened up for me
That's why I'm feeling...

I'm feeling so good
I knew that I would
Been taking care of myself
Like I should
Cause not one thing
Can bring me down
Nothing in this world gonna turn me around...

Now that day is turning into night
And everything is still going right
there's no way you can stop me this time
Or break this spirit of mine
Like the stars above I'm gonna shine
Anything I want will be mine
Tonight I'm gonna have a good time
Call a few friends of mine
cause I'm loving life
and tonight's for feeling...

Chorus x2

Rap By G. Dep

Chorus x2

Party on tonight
Everything is feeling right DJ

Mirror lyrics:

Everything is feeling right DJ
Party on tonight

Chorus x2

Rap By G. Dep

Chorus x2

and tonight's for feeling...
cause I'm loving life
Call a few friends of mine
Tonight I'm gonna have a good time
Anything I want will be mine
Like the stars above I'm gonna shine
Or break this spirit of mine
there's no way you can stop me this time
And everything is still going right
Now that day is turning into night

Nothing in this world gonna turn me around...
Can bring me down
Cause not one thing
Like I should
Been taking care of myself
I knew that I would
I'm feeling so good

That's why I'm feeling...
Has the whole world opened up for me
My endless possibilities
Got rid of fears that were holding me
I feel like there's no limit to what I can see
It became so clear to me that everything is goin my way
Felt the sun shining on my face
When I opened up my eyes today

Rap by P. Diddy

Damn, you look good

Relevant Tags:
FFeelin' SSo GGood ((bad BBoy RRemix) eelin' o ood bad oy emix) eFelin' oS oGod b(ad oBy eRmix) ceelin' zo hood (bbad voy demix) cFeelin' zSo hGood (ad vBoy dRemix)
Fceelin' Szo Ghood (abd Bvoy Rdemix) reelin' wo yood (vad goy 4emix) rFeelin' wSo yGood (vbad gBoy 4Remix) Freelin' Swo Gyood (bvad Bgoy R4emix) geelin' do bood (gad noy gemix)
gFeelin' dSo bGood (gbad nBoy gRemix) Fgeelin' Sdo Gbood (bgad Bnoy Rgemix) teelin' eo vood (nad hoy temix) tFeelin' eSo vGood (nbad hBoy tRemix) Fteelin' Seo Gvood (bnad Bhoy Rtemix)
veelin' xo food (had Booy 5emix) vFeelin' xSo fGood (hbad By 5Remix) Fveelin' Sxo Gfood (bhad Byo R5emix) deelin' ao tood (baad Bky femix) dFeelin' aSo tGood (bd Bkoy fRemix)
Fdeelin' Sao Gtood (bda Boky Rfemix) Feeelin' Soo Goood (bzd B9y eemix) Felin' S God (bzad B9oy eRemix) Feelin' So Good (bazd Bo9y Reemix) Fselin' Sk Gkod (bqd B0y
Fseelin' Sko Gkood (bqad B0oy Rmix) Feselin' Sok Gokod (baqd Bo0y Rmeix) F3elin' S9 G9od (bsd Bly Rsmix) F3eelin' S9o G9ood (bsad Bloy Rsemix) Fe3elin' So9 Go9od (basd Boly Resmix)
Ffelin' S0 G0od (bwd Biy R3mix) Ffeelin' S0o G0ood (bwad Bioy R3emix) Fefelin' So0 Go0od (bawd Boiy Re3mix) Frelin' Sl Glod (bxd Boyy Rfmix) Slo Glood (bxad Bo
Ferelin' Sol Golod (baxd Boy Refmix) F4elin' Si Giod (badd Bog Rrmix) F4eelin' Sio Giood (ba Bogy Rremix) Fe4elin' Soi Goiod (bad Boyg Rermix) Fdelin' (bax Boh R4mix)
Bohy Fedelin' Godo (badx Boyh Re4mix) Fwelin' Gokd (bae Bo6 Rdmix) Fweelin' (baed Bo6y Fewelin' Gookd (bade Boy6 Redmix)
Go9d (baf Bou Rwmix) (bafd Bouy Rwemix) Felein' Goo9d (badf Boyu Rewmix) Feslin' Go0d (bar Bo7 Remmix) (bard Bo7y Reix)
Feeslin' Goo0d (badr Boy7 Reimx) Fe3lin' Gold (bac Boj Rejix) (bacd Bojy Rejmix) Fee3lin' Goold (badc Boyj Remjix)

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