Dean Martin
Just Say I Love Her (dicitencello Vuie)

Just say I love her
I've loved her from the start
And tell her how I'm yearning
To say what's in my heart.

Just say I need her
As roses need the rain
And tell her that without her
My dreams are all in vain.

If you should chance to meet her
Anytime anywhere
I was a fool to leave her
Tell her how much a fool can care
And if she tells you
She's lonely now and then
Won't you just say I love her
And want her back again.

Won't you just say I love her
And want her back again...

Mirror lyrics:

And want her back again...
Won't you just say I love her

And want her back again.
Won't you just say I love her
She's lonely now and then
And if she tells you
Tell her how much a fool can care
I was a fool to leave her
Anytime anywhere
If you should chance to meet her

My dreams are all in vain.
And tell her that without her
As roses need the rain
Just say I need her

To say what's in my heart.
And tell her how I'm yearning
I've loved her from the start
Just say I love her

Relevant Tags:
JJust SSay II LLove HHer ((dicitencello VVuie) ust ay ove er dicitencello uie) uJst aSy I oLve eHr d(icitencello uVie)
kust zay j kove jer (ddicitencello buie) kJust zSay jI kLove jHer (icitencello bVuie) Jkust Szay Ij Lkove Hjer (idcitencello Vbuie)
iust way 9 oove uer (xicitencello cuie) iJust wSay 9I oLove uHer (xdicitencello cVuie) Jiust Sway I9 Loove Huer (dxicitencello Vcuie)
must day l pove ner (eicitencello guie) mJust dSay lI pLove nHer (edicitencello gVuie) Jmust Sday Il Lpove Hner (deicitencello Vguie)
nust eay o ber (ficitencello fuie) nJust eSay oI Lve bHer (fdicitencello fVuie) Jnust Seay Io Lvoe Hber (dficitencello Vfuie)
hust xay k Lkve ger (ricitencello Vuuie) hJust xSay kI gHer (rdicitencello Vie) Jhust Sxay Ik Lokve Hger (dricitencello Viue)
uust aay 8 L9ve yer (cicitencello Vhie) uJust aSay 8I L9ove yHer (cdicitencello Vhuie) Juust Saay I8 Lo9ve Hyer (dcicitencello Vuhie)
u L0ve Heer (sicitencello V7ie) Jst Sy uI L0ove Hr (sdicitencello V7uie) Jsut Sya Iu Lo0ve Hre (dsicitencello Vu7ie)
Jhst Szy Llve Hsr (diicitencello Vkie) Llove Hser (dcitencello Vkuie) Juhst Sazy Lolve Hesr (dciitencello Vukie)
J7st Sqy Live H3r (djcitencello Viie) J7ust Sqay Liove H3er (djicitencello Viuie) Ju7st Saqy Loive He3r (dijcitencello Vuiie)
Jkst Ssy Lovve Hfr (d9citencello V8ie) Ssay Loe Hfer (d9icitencello V8uie) Jukst Sasy Loev Hefr (di9citencello Vu8ie)
Jist Swy Lobe Hrr (dlcitencello Vjie) Lobve Hrer (dlicitencello Vjuie) Juist Sawy Lovbe Herr (dilcitencello Vujie)
J8st Sxy Loce H4r (docitencello Vyie) J8ust Locve H4er (doicitencello Vyuie) Ju8st Saxy Lovce He4r (diocitencello Vuyie)
Jjst Sayy Loge Hdr (dkcitencello Jjust Sa Logve Hder (dkicitencello Vue) Jujst Say Lovge Hedr (dikcitencello Vuei)
Jyst Sag Lofe Hwr (d8citencello Vuje) Jyust Sagy Lofve Hwer (d8icitencello Juyst Sayg Lovfe Hewr (di8citencello Vuije)
Jusst Sah Lovee (ducitencello Vu9e) Jut Sahy Lov He (duicitencello Vu9ie) Juts Sayh Love Her (diucitencello Vui9e)
Juzt Sa6 Lovs Hed (diccitencello Vule) Juzst Sa6y Lovse (diitencello Vulie) Juszt Say6 Loves Herd (diictencello Vuile)
Juwt Sau Lov3 He4 (difitencello Vuoe) Juwst Sauy Lov3e (difcitencello Vuoie) Juswt Sayu Love3 Her4 (dicfitencello Vuioe)
Judt Sa7 Lovf Heg (dixitencello Vuke) Judst Sa7y Hegr (dixcitencello Jusdt Say7 Lovef Herg (dicxitencello Vuike)
Juet Saj Lovr Het (divitencello Vu8e) Juest Sajy Lovre Hetr (divcitencello Juset Sayj Lover Hert (dicvitencello Vui8e)
Juxt Sat Lov4 He5 (diditencello Vuue) Juxst Saty Lov4e He5r (didcitencello Jusxt Sayt Love4 Her5 (dicditencello Vuiue)
Juat Lovd Hef (diciitencello Vuiee) Juast Lovde (dictencello Vui) Jusat Loved Herf (dictiencello Vui)e
Justt Lovw Hee (dicjtencello Vuis) Jus Lovwe (dicjitencello Vuise) Just Lovew Here (dicijtencello Vuies)
Jusf (dic9tencello Vui3) Jusft (dic9itencello Vui3e) Justf (dici9tencello Vuie3)
Jus5 (dicltencello Vuif) Jus5t (diclitencello Vuife) Just5 (diciltencello Vuief)
Jush (dicotencello Vuir) Jusht (dicoitencello Vuire) Justh (diciotencello Vuier)
Jusy (dicktencello Vui4) Jusyt (dickitencello Vui4e) Justy (diciktencello Vuie4)
Jus6 (dic8tencello Vuid) Jus6t (dic8itencello Vuide) Just6 (dici8tencello Vuied)
Jusg (dicutencello Vuiw) Jusgt (dicuitencello Vuiwe) Justg (diciutencello Vuiew)
Jusr (dicittencello Vuie)) Jusrt (diciencello Vuie Justr (dicietncello Vuie)

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