Dean Martin
Just Do It

You gotta do you gotta do it gotta do it all alone
No one else will do it for you you're on your own
Do it
It may be love or war or mopping up the floor but just do it
Don't send a friend who's true to pitch your woo for you or you'll rue it
Do it yourself
Don't fake it
If you're a fake you won't make it
Wait for your break and then take it
For time and tide they wait for no man go go go man
Do it
To prove a point at hand just look at old Miles Standish who blew it
He said John Alden will you go ask Priscilla to do it
Miles got the heave ho
Priscilla said that Miles is gone speak for yourself John
He blew it so do it do it do it yourself

Mirror lyrics:

He blew it so do it do it do it yourself
Priscilla said that Miles is gone speak for yourself John
Miles got the heave ho
He said John Alden will you go ask Priscilla to do it
To prove a point at hand just look at old Miles Standish who blew it
Do it
For time and tide they wait for no man go go go man
Wait for your break and then take it
If you're a fake you won't make it
Don't fake it
Do it yourself
Don't send a friend who's true to pitch your woo for you or you'll rue it
It may be love or war or mopping up the floor but just do it
Do it
No one else will do it for you you're on your own
You gotta do you gotta do it gotta do it all alone

Relevant Tags:
JJust DDo IIt ust o t uJst oD tI kust xo jt kJust xDo jIt Jkust Dxo Ijt iust eo 9t iJust eDo 9It Jiust Deo I9t must fo lt mJust fDo lIt
Jmust Dfo Ilt nust ro ot nJust rDo oIt Jnust Dro Iot hust co kt hJust cDo kIt Jhust Dco Ikt uust so 8t uJust sDo 8It Juust Dso I8t Doo ut
Jst D uIt Jsut Do Iut Jhst Dk Itt Dko I Juhst Dok It J7st D9 If J7ust D9o Ift Ju7st Do9 Itf Jkst D0 I5 D0o I5t Jukst Do0 It5
Jist Dl Ih Dlo Iht Juist Dol Ith J8st Di Iy J8ust Dio Iyt Ju8st Doi Ity Jjst I6 Jjust I6t Jujst It6 Jyst Ig

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