Dean Martin
It Just Happened That Way

(Fred Carter)

I didn't plan to fall in love with you it just happened that way
And all the time inside my heart I knew that I'd regret it some day
Now I can't stand to be away from you but I'm alone every day
I didn't plan to fall in love with you it just happened that way.

I saw you and I loved you why I I'll never know
There wasn't one chance in a million that our love would grow
You were too far above me any fool could plainly see
But like driftwood on the river I floated on helplessly.

I didn't plan to fall in love with you it just happened that way
And all the time inside my heart I knew that I'd regret it some day
Now I can't stand to be away from you but I'm alone every day
I didn't plan to fall in love with you it just happened that way...

Mirror lyrics:

I didn't plan to fall in love with you it just happened that way...
Now I can't stand to be away from you but I'm alone every day
And all the time inside my heart I knew that I'd regret it some day
I didn't plan to fall in love with you it just happened that way

But like driftwood on the river I floated on helplessly.
You were too far above me any fool could plainly see
There wasn't one chance in a million that our love would grow
I saw you and I loved you why I I'll never know

I didn't plan to fall in love with you it just happened that way.
Now I can't stand to be away from you but I'm alone every day
And all the time inside my heart I knew that I'd regret it some day
I didn't plan to fall in love with you it just happened that way

(Fred Carter)

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IIt JJust HHappened TThat WWay t ust appened hat ay tI uJst aHppened hTat aWy jt kust jappened fhat aay jIt kJust jHappened fThat aWay
Ijt Jkust Hjappened Tfhat Waay 9t iust uappened 5hat 3ay 9It iJust uHappened 5That 3Way I9t Jiust Huappened T5hat W3ay lt must nappened hhat day
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I Hzappened Tat Wy It Juhst Hazppened Taht Wya If J7st Hqppened Tjat Wzy Ift J7ust Hqappened Tjhat Wzay Itf Ju7st Haqppened Thjat Wazy
I5 Jkst Hsppened Tuat Wqy I5t Hsappened Tuhat It5 Jukst Hasppened Thuat Waqy Ih Jist Hwppened Tnat Wsy Iht Hwappened Tnhat
Ith Juist Hawppened Thnat Wasy Iy J8st Hxppened Tbat Wwy Iyt J8ust Hxappened Tbhat Wway Ity Ju8st Haxppened Thbat Wawy I6 Jjst Happpened Tgat Wxy
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Ir Jusst Halpened Thaat Wag Irt Jut Halppened Tht Wagy Itr Juts Haplpened Thta Wayg Juzt Haopened Thzt Wah Juzst Haoppened Thzat Wahy
Juszt Hapopened Thazt Wayh Juwt Thqt Wa6 Juwst Thqat Wa6y Juswt Hapepned Thaqt Way6 Judt Hap0ened Thst Wau
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Juxt Hapoened Thxt Waj Juxst Thxat Wajy Jusxt Happoened Thaxt Wayj Juat Happeened Thatt Wat Juast Happned Tha Waty
Jusat Happneed That Wayt Justt Happsned Thaf Jus Happsened Thaft

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