Dean Martin
I'll Gladly Make The Same Mistake

There'll be lots of tears plus some happy years
And you'll add my heart to your sovenirs
But loving you was my mistake
But I'll gladly make the same mistake again.

I'll be on the town acting like a clown
So they won't suspect that you turned me down
Loving you was my mistake
But I'll gladly make the same mistake again.

I've love for you
That's the kind of love that never ever ceases
Break my heart in two
Or break it into a million little pieces.

Every piece you find has you on its mind
If you doubt I'm the forgining kind
All you have to say is when
And I'll gladly make the same mistake again.
Yes, I'll gladly make the same mistake again.

I've love for you
That's the kind of love that never ever ceases
Break my heart right in two
Or break it into a million little pieces.

Every piece that you find has you on its mind
If you doubt I'm the forgining kind
All you have to say is when
And I'll gladly make the same mistake again.
Yes, I'll gladly make the same mistake again...

Mirror lyrics:

Yes, I'll gladly make the same mistake again...
And I'll gladly make the same mistake again.
All you have to say is when
If you doubt I'm the forgining kind
Every piece that you find has you on its mind

Or break it into a million little pieces.
Break my heart right in two
That's the kind of love that never ever ceases
I've love for you

Yes, I'll gladly make the same mistake again.
And I'll gladly make the same mistake again.
All you have to say is when
If you doubt I'm the forgining kind
Every piece you find has you on its mind

Or break it into a million little pieces.
Break my heart in two
That's the kind of love that never ever ceases
I've love for you

But I'll gladly make the same mistake again.
Loving you was my mistake
So they won't suspect that you turned me down
I'll be on the town acting like a clown

But I'll gladly make the same mistake again.
But loving you was my mistake
And you'll add my heart to your sovenirs
There'll be lots of tears plus some happy years

Relevant Tags:
II'll GGladly MMake TThe SSame MMistake 'll ladly ake he ame istake 'Ill lGadly aMke hTe aSme iMstake j'll hladly jake fhe zame jistake jI'll hGladly jMake fThe zSame jMistake
Ij'll Ghladly Mjake Tfhe Szame Mjistake 9'll yladly kake 5he wame kistake 9I'll yGladly kMake 5The wSame kMistake I9'll Gyladly Mkake T5he Swame Mkistake l'll bladly nake hhe dame nistake
lI'll bGladly nMake hThe dSame nMistake Il'll Gbladly Mnake Thhe Sdame Mnistake o'll vladly Maake yhe eame Miistake oI'll vGladly Mke yThe eSame Mstake Io'll Gvladly Mkae Tyhe Seame Msitake
k'll fladly Mzke 6he xame Mjstake kI'll fGladly Mzake 6The xSame Ik'll Gfladly Mazke T6he Sxame Mijstake 8'll tladly Mqke ghe aame M9stake 8I'll tGladly Mqake gThe aSame M9istake
I8'll Gtladly Maqke Tghe Saame Mi9stake u'll Glladly Mske rhe Mlstake uI'll Gadly Msake rThe Sme Mlistake Iu'll Galdly Maske Trhe Smae Milstake I''ll Gkadly Mwke Szme Mostake
Ill Gkladly Mwake Te Moistake Il'l Glkadly Mawke Teh Sazme Miostake I'lll Goadly Mxke Tje Sqme Mkstake I'l Goladly Mxake Tjhe Sqame I'll Gloadly Maxke Thje Saqme Mikstake
I'kl Gpadly Makke Tue Ssme M8stake I'kll Gpladly Mae Tuhe Ssame M8istake I'lkl Glpadly Maek Thue Sasme Mi8stake I'ol Glaadly Male Tne Swme Mustake I'oll Gldly Malke Tnhe Muistake
I'lol Gldaly Makle Thne Sawme Miustake I'pl Glzdly Maoe Tbe Sxme Misstake I'pll Glzadly Maoke Tbhe Mitake I'lpl Glazdly Makoe Thbe Saxme Mitsake Glqdly Mame Tge Samme Miztake
Glqadly Mamke Sae Mizstake Glaqdly Makme Thge Saem Misztake I'lk Glsdly Maje Tye Saje Miwtake Glsadly Majke Sajme Miwstake I'llk Glasdly Makje Thye Samje Miswtake
I'lo Glwdly Maie Thee Sake Midtake Glwadly Maike Th Sakme Midstake I'llo Glawdly Makie The Samke Misdtake I'lp Glxdly Makee Ths Sane Mietake Glxadly Mak Thse Sanme Miestake
I'llp Glaxdly Make Thes Samne Misetake Gladdly Maks Th3 Samee Mixtake Glaly Makse Th3e Sam Mixstake Glaldy Makes The3 Same Misxtake Glaxly Mak3 Thf Sams Miatake
Mak3e Thfe Samse Miastake Gladxly Make3 Thef Sames Misatake Glaely Makf Thr Sam3 Misttake Glaedly Makfe Thre Sam3e Misake Gladely Makef Ther Same3 Misatke
Glafly Makr Th4 Samf Misfake Glafdly Makre Th4e Samfe Misftake Gladfly Maker The4 Samef Mistfake Glarly Mak4 Thd Samr Mis5ake Glardly Mak4e Thde Samre Mis5take
Gladrly Make4 Thed Samer Mist5ake Glacly Makd Thw Sam4 Mishake Glacdly Makde Thwe Sam4e Mishtake Gladcly Maked Thew Same4 Misthake Glasly Makw Samd Misyake

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