Dean Martin
Night Train To Memphis

(Owen Bradley - Harry Beasley Smith - Marvin Hughes)

Take that night train to Memphis
Take that night train to Memphis
When you arrive at the station
I'll be right there to meet you
I'll be right there to greet you.

So don't turn down my invitation
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
I'll be shouting hallelujah all the day
Oh we'll have a jubilee down in Memphis Tennessee
And I'll shout hallelujah all the day.

Take that night train to Memphis
Take that night train to Memphis
When you arrive at the station
I'll be right there to meet you
I'll be right there to greet you.

So don't turn down my invitation
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
I'll be shouting hallelujah all the day
Oh, we'll have a jubilee down in Memphis Tennessee
And I'll shout hallelujah all the day...

Mirror lyrics:

And I'll shout hallelujah all the day...
Oh, we'll have a jubilee down in Memphis Tennessee
I'll be shouting hallelujah all the day
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
So don't turn down my invitation

I'll be right there to greet you.
I'll be right there to meet you
When you arrive at the station
Take that night train to Memphis
Take that night train to Memphis

And I'll shout hallelujah all the day.
Oh we'll have a jubilee down in Memphis Tennessee
I'll be shouting hallelujah all the day
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
So don't turn down my invitation

I'll be right there to greet you.
I'll be right there to meet you
When you arrive at the station
Take that night train to Memphis
Take that night train to Memphis

(Owen Bradley - Harry Beasley Smith - Marvin Hughes)

Relevant Tags:
NNight TTrain TTo MMemphis ight rain o emphis iNght rTain oT eMmphis might frain fo jemphis mNight fTrain fTo jMemphis Nmight Tfrain Tfo Mjemphis
hight 5rain 5o kemphis hNight 5Train 5To kMemphis Nhight T5rain T5o Mkemphis jight hrain ho nemphis jNight hTrain hTo nMemphis Njight Thrain Tho Mnemphis
bight yrain yo Meemphis bNight yTrain yTo Mmphis Nbight Tyrain Tyo Mmephis Niight 6rain 6o Msmphis Nght 6Train 6To Msemphis Ngiht T6rain T6o Mesmphis
Njght grain go M3mphis gTrain gTo M3emphis Nijght Tgrain Tgo Me3mphis N9ght rrain ro Mfmphis N9ight rTrain rTo Mfemphis Ni9ght Trrain Tro Mefmphis
Nlght Too Mrmphis Nlight Tain T Mremphis Nilght Tarin To Mermphis Noght Tdain Tk M4mphis Noight Tdrain Tko M4emphis Nioght Trdain Tok Me4mphis
Nkght T4ain T9 Mdmphis Nkight T4rain T9o Mdemphis Nikght Tr4ain To9 Medmphis N8ght Tgain T0 Mwmphis N8ight T0o Mwemphis Ni8ght Trgain To0 Mewmphis
Nught Ttain Tl Memmphis Nuight Ttrain Tlo Mephis Niught Trtain Tol Mepmhis Nigght T5ain Ti Mejphis Niht Tio Mejmphis Nihgt Tr5ain Toi Memjphis
Nihht Tfain Mekphis Nihght Mekmphis Nighht Trfain Memkphis Niyht Teain Menphis Niyght Terain Menmphis Nigyht Treain Memnphis
Nibht Traain Mempphis Nibght Trin Memhis Nigbht Trian Memhpis Nivht Trzin Mem0his Nivght Trzain Mem0phis Nigvht Trazin Memp0his
Nifht Trqin Memlhis Nifght Trqain Memlphis Nigfht Traqin Memplhis Nitht Trsin Memohis Nitght Trsain Memophis Nigtht Trasin Mempohis
Trwin Memphhis Nigt Trwain Mempis

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