Dean Friedman
Love Is Not Enough

If I've managed to learn anything at all from what we've done
It's that even though it fills the cracks and crevices
And mends the tattered soul
Still we're each the others nemesis and
Two halves do not always make a whole
And though you know I've often heard it said
We're made of sterner stuff
Love is not enough
Love is not enough
And all the things I left unsaid assuming that you knew
As if there were no question but that you could read my mind
And all the times I shut you out and
Left you hangin', me deaf, dumb and blind
And though I know we vowed to stick it out

Through the easy and the rough
Love is not enough
Love is not enough
All the stupid games we played to save our punished pride
As if it really mattered which of us was wrong or right
And even as we stood and watched it fall apart
I loved you with all my might
And though the heroes in the paperbacks always wind up in the buff
Love is not enough
Love is not enough

Mirror lyrics:

Love is not enough
Love is not enough
And though the heroes in the paperbacks always wind up in the buff
I loved you with all my might
And even as we stood and watched it fall apart
As if it really mattered which of us was wrong or right
All the stupid games we played to save our punished pride
Love is not enough
Love is not enough
Through the easy and the rough

And though I know we vowed to stick it out
Left you hangin', me deaf, dumb and blind
And all the times I shut you out and
As if there were no question but that you could read my mind
And all the things I left unsaid assuming that you knew
Love is not enough
Love is not enough
We're made of sterner stuff
And though you know I've often heard it said
Two halves do not always make a whole
Still we're each the others nemesis and
And mends the tattered soul
It's that even though it fills the cracks and crevices
If I've managed to learn anything at all from what we've done

Relevant Tags:
LLove IIs NNot EEnough ove s ot nough oLve sI oNt nEough kove js mot snough kLove jIs mNot sEnough Lkove Ijs Nmot Esnough
oove 9s hot 3nough oLove 9Is hNot 3Enough Loove I9s Nhot E3nough pove ls jot fnough pLove lIs jNot fEnough Lpove Ils Njot Efnough
os bot rnough Lve oIs bNot rEnough Lvoe Ios Nbot Ernough Lkve ks Noot 4nough kIs Nt 4Enough Lokve Iks Nto E4nough
L9ve 8s Nkt dnough L9ove 8Is Nkot dEnough Lo9ve I8s Nokt Ednough L0ve us N9t wnough L0ove uIs N9ot wEnough Lo0ve Ius No9t Ewnough
Llve Iss N0t Ennough Llove I N0ot Eough Lolve Is No0t Eonugh Live Iz Nlt Emough Liove Izs Nlot Emnough Loive Isz Nolt Enmough
Lovve Iw Nit Ehough Loe Iws Niot Ehnough Loev Isw Noit Enhough Lobe Id Nott Ejough Lobve Ids No Ejnough Lovbe Isd Not Enjough
Loce Ie Nof Ebough Locve Ies Noft Ebnough Lovce Ise Notf Enbough Loge Ix No5 Enoough Logve Ixs No5t Enugh Lovge Isx Not5 Enuogh
Lofe Ia Noh Enkugh Lofve Ias Noht Enkough Lovfe Isa Noth Enokugh Lovee Noy En9ugh Lov Noyt En9ough Love Noty Eno9ugh
Lovs No6 En0ugh Lovse No6t En0ough Loves Not6 Eno0ugh Lov3 Nog Enlugh Lov3e Nogt Enlough Love3 Notg Enolugh
Lovf Nor Eniugh Nort Eniough Lovef Notr Enoiugh Lovr Enouugh

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