Deacon Blue
What You Are

You're in a car

A pale blue car

Under some sky

Some northern sky

The radio's on

Some music's playing

Fingers are moving

And your lips are singing

I'm a fool

I'm a fool

For even thinking

That's what you are

Still on the road

That's where I see you

Stop at a lay by

And lightly sleeping

The music's playing

So far away now

Your hands aren't moving

So what are they saying

I'm a fool

I'm a fool

For even thinking

That's what you are

You're moving out now

And talking to strangers

They're telling stories

Your eyes say it's easy

They're giving you reasons

To keep on going

Wheels keep on turning

Things keep on selling

And here's your jacket

And here's your cuff links

And here's some letters

And a hundred worthless things

You kept them unhidden

Maybe hoped we'd find them

They lie unopened

For no one to own them

I'm a fool

I'm a fool

I'm a fool

I'm a fool

For even thinking

For even thinking

For even thinking

For even thinking

That's what you are

Mirror lyrics:

That's what you are

For even thinking

For even thinking

For even thinking

For even thinking

I'm a fool

I'm a fool

I'm a fool

I'm a fool

For no one to own them

They lie unopened

Maybe hoped we'd find them

You kept them unhidden

And a hundred worthless things

And here's some letters

And here's your cuff links

And here's your jacket

Things keep on selling

Wheels keep on turning

To keep on going

They're giving you reasons

Your eyes say it's easy

They're telling stories

And talking to strangers

You're moving out now

That's what you are

For even thinking

I'm a fool

I'm a fool

So what are they saying

Your hands aren't moving

So far away now

The music's playing

And lightly sleeping

Stop at a lay by

That's where I see you

Still on the road

That's what you are

For even thinking

I'm a fool

I'm a fool

And your lips are singing

Fingers are moving

Some music's playing

The radio's on

Some northern sky

Under some sky

A pale blue car

You're in a car

Relevant Tags:
WWhat YYou AAre hat ou re hWat oYu rAe ahat gou zre aWhat gYou zAre Wahat Ygou Azre 3hat hou qre 3What hYou qAre W3hat Yhou Aqre
dhat 6ou sre dWhat 6You sAre Wdhat Y6ou Asre ehat uou wre eWhat uYou wAre Wehat Yuou Awre shat 7ou xre sWhat 7You xAre Wshat Y7ou Axre
2hat jou Arre 2What jYou Ae W2hat Yjou Aer qhat tou Ade qWhat tYou Adre Wqhat Ytou Arde Whhat Yoou A4e Wat Yu A4re Waht Yuo Ar4e
Wjat Yku Age Wjhat Ykou Agre Whjat Yoku Arge Wuat Y9u Ate Wuhat Y9ou Atre Whuat Yo9u Arte Wnat Y0u A5e Wnhat Y0ou A5re Whnat Yo0u Ar5e
Wbat Ylu Afe Wbhat Ylou Afre Whbat Yolu Arfe Wgat Yiu Aee Wghat Yiou Aere Whgat Yoiu Aree Wyat Youu Wyhat Yo Ar

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