Deacon Blue
Real Gone Kid

'Cause I'd tear out the pages

That I've got in these books

Just to find you some words

Just to get some reward

And I'll show you all the photographs

That I ever got took

And I'll play you old 45's

That now mean nothing to me

And you're a real gone kid

And maybe now, baby

(Maybe now baby)

Maybe now, baby

(Maybe now, baby)

Maybe now, baby

(Maybe now, baby)

I'll do what I should have did

Now I've stood on your shadow

And I've watched it grow

And it's shaken and it's driven me

And let me know, let me know, let me know, let me know

About all the old 45's

And the paperback rooms

And it's scattered all the photographs

Of summers and suns

And you're a real gone kid

And maybe now, baby

(Maybe now, baby)

Maybe now, baby

(Maybe now, baby)

Maybe now, baby

(Maybe now, baby)

I'll do what I should have did

'Cause you're a real gone kid

Cried and I craved, hoped and I saved

And I put away those souvenirs, souvenirs, souvenirs

I cried and I craved, hoped and I saved

And I put away those souvenirs, souvenirs, souvenirs

You're a real gone kid

And maybe now, baby

(Maybe now, baby)

Maybe now, baby

(Maybe now, baby)

Maybe now, baby

(Maybe now, baby)

I'll do what I should have did

'Cause you're a real gone kid, oh

'Cause you're a real gone kid

You're a real gone kid

(Do what I should have done)

'Cause you're a real gone kid

(Do what I should have done)

'Cause you're a real gone kid

Mirror lyrics:

'Cause you're a real gone kid

(Do what I should have done)

'Cause you're a real gone kid

(Do what I should have done)

You're a real gone kid

'Cause you're a real gone kid

'Cause you're a real gone kid, oh

I'll do what I should have did

(Maybe now, baby)

Maybe now, baby

(Maybe now, baby)

Maybe now, baby

(Maybe now, baby)

And maybe now, baby

You're a real gone kid

And I put away those souvenirs, souvenirs, souvenirs

I cried and I craved, hoped and I saved

And I put away those souvenirs, souvenirs, souvenirs

Cried and I craved, hoped and I saved

'Cause you're a real gone kid

I'll do what I should have did

(Maybe now, baby)

Maybe now, baby

(Maybe now, baby)

Maybe now, baby

(Maybe now, baby)

And maybe now, baby

And you're a real gone kid

Of summers and suns

And it's scattered all the photographs

And the paperback rooms

About all the old 45's

And let me know, let me know, let me know, let me know

And it's shaken and it's driven me

And I've watched it grow

Now I've stood on your shadow

I'll do what I should have did

(Maybe now, baby)

Maybe now, baby

(Maybe now, baby)

Maybe now, baby

(Maybe now baby)

And maybe now, baby

And you're a real gone kid

That now mean nothing to me

And I'll play you old 45's

That I ever got took

And I'll show you all the photographs

Just to get some reward

Just to find you some words

That I've got in these books

'Cause I'd tear out the pages

Relevant Tags:
RReal GGone KKid eal one id eRal oGne iKd deal hone lid dReal hGone lKid Rdeal Ghone Klid 4eal yone oid 4Real yGone oKid R4eal Gyone Koid
geal bone mid gReal bGone mKid Rgeal Gbone Kmid teal vone jid tReal vGone jKid Rteal Gvone Kjid 5eal fone iid 5Real fGone iKid R5eal Gfone Kiid
feal tone fReal tGone Kd Rfeal Gtone Kdi eeal Goone Kjd eReal Gne Reeal Gnoe Kijd Gkne K9d Ral Gkone K9id Rael Gokne Ki9d
Rsal G9ne Kld Rseal G9one Resal Go9ne Kild R3al G0ne Kod R3eal G0one Re3al Go0ne Kiod Rfal Glne Kkd Glone Kkid Refal Golne Kikd
Rral Gine K8d Rreal Gione K8id Reral Goine Ki8d

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