Deacon Blue
Every Time You Sleep

I go to work

And I get in early

Lying to myself I need to be there

I pass the church

And all the hurly burly

Of all the people as they walk without a care

How I'd love to tell them of how I get so happy

Maybe now's not the time

But when's it going to be right?

I come awake

Every time you sleep

I slip away

But it gets so hard to leave

Watching you down deep

And all my troubles to keep

Every time you sleep

You walk to work

And I walk out with you

Lying to the people that we're together

You cross the street

To catch the waterloo train

And I slink back to walk the quiet way back home

How I'd love to sing about what gets me happy

Maybe now's the time

Maybe it's alright?

I come awake

Every time you sleep

I slip away

But it gets so hard to leave

Watching you down deep

And all my troubles to keep

Every time you sleep

I want to get on the telephone

I want to call everyone

I want to know what to say when you mean it

I come awake

Every time you sleep

I slip away

But it gets so hard to leave

Watching you down deep

And all my troubles to keep

Every time you sleep

Every time you sleep

Every time you sleep

Mirror lyrics:

Every time you sleep

Every time you sleep

Every time you sleep

And all my troubles to keep

Watching you down deep

But it gets so hard to leave

I slip away

Every time you sleep

I come awake

I want to know what to say when you mean it

I want to call everyone

I want to get on the telephone

Every time you sleep

And all my troubles to keep

Watching you down deep

But it gets so hard to leave

I slip away

Every time you sleep

I come awake

Maybe it's alright?

Maybe now's the time

How I'd love to sing about what gets me happy

And I slink back to walk the quiet way back home

To catch the waterloo train

You cross the street

Lying to the people that we're together

And I walk out with you

You walk to work

Every time you sleep

And all my troubles to keep

Watching you down deep

But it gets so hard to leave

I slip away

Every time you sleep

I come awake

But when's it going to be right?

Maybe now's not the time

How I'd love to tell them of how I get so happy

Of all the people as they walk without a care

And all the hurly burly

I pass the church

Lying to myself I need to be there

And I get in early

I go to work

Relevant Tags:
EEvery TTime YYou SSleep very ime ou leep vEery iTme oYu lSeep svery fime gou zleep sEvery fTime gYou zSleep Esvery Tfime Ygou Szleep
3very 5ime hou wleep 3Every 5Time hYou wSleep E3very T5ime Yhou Swleep fvery hime 6ou dleep fEvery hTime 6You dSleep Efvery Thime Y6ou Sdleep
rvery yime uou eleep rEvery yTime uYou eSleep Ervery Tyime Yuou Seleep 4very 6ime 7ou xleep 4Every 6Time 7You xSleep E4very T6ime Y7ou Sxleep
dvery gime jou aleep dEvery gTime jYou aSleep Edvery Tgime Yjou Saleep wvery rime tou Slleep wEvery rTime tYou Seep Ewvery Trime Ytou Selep
Evvery Tiime Yoou Skeep Eery Tme Yu Skleep Eevry Tmie Yuo Slkeep Ebery Tjme Yku Soeep Ebvery Tjime Ykou Soleep Evbery Tijme Yoku Sloeep
Ecery T9me Y9u Speep Ecvery T9ime Y9ou Spleep Evcery Ti9me Yo9u Slpeep Egery Tlme Y0u Sleeep Egvery Tlime Y0ou Slep Evgery Tilme Yo0u Sleep
Efery Tome Ylu Slsep Toime Ylou Slseep Evfery Tiome Yolu Slesep Eveery Tkme Yiu Sl3ep Evry Tkime Yiou Sl3eep Evrey Tikme Yoiu Sle3ep
Evsry T8me Youu Slfep Evsery T8ime Yo Slfeep Evesry Ti8me You Slefep Ev3ry Tume Yoh Slrep Ev3ery Tuime Yohu Slreep Eve3ry Tiume Youh Slerep
Evfry Timme Yo7 Sl4ep Tie Yo7u Sl4eep Evefry Tiem You7 Sle4ep

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