Deacon Blue
Kings Of The Western World

I have an old friend
So the story goes
He never calls without saying hello
He's got a good job
So the story goes
He says it's it's funny to see you look so low
I said I'm on top of the hill
Looking down at the Kings of the Western World
I went out and caught the train home
Looked at the land so the story goes
They've got factories and jobs and playground provided
And the workers are willing so the story goes
I'm on top of the hill
Looking down at the Kings of the Western
The Western World
And people get born
So the story goes
And people get schooled
So the story goes
And people get on
So the story goes
And people get ruled
So the story goes
And people they die

So the story goes
And left on the hill
So the story goes
I'm on top of the hill
Looking down at the Kings of the Western
The Western World
I'm looking at the Kings
I'm looking at the world
I'm looking at the Kings
I'm looking at the
I'm looking at the
I'm looking at the
I'm looking at the
I'm looking at the
I'm looking at the

Mirror lyrics:

I'm looking at the
I'm looking at the
I'm looking at the
I'm looking at the
I'm looking at the
I'm looking at the
I'm looking at the Kings
I'm looking at the world
I'm looking at the Kings
The Western World
Looking down at the Kings of the Western
I'm on top of the hill
So the story goes
And left on the hill
So the story goes

And people they die
So the story goes
And people get ruled
So the story goes
And people get on
So the story goes
And people get schooled
So the story goes
And people get born
The Western World
Looking down at the Kings of the Western
I'm on top of the hill
And the workers are willing so the story goes
They've got factories and jobs and playground provided
Looked at the land so the story goes
I went out and caught the train home
Looking down at the Kings of the Western World
I said I'm on top of the hill
He says it's it's funny to see you look so low
So the story goes
He's got a good job
He never calls without saying hello
So the story goes
I have an old friend

Relevant Tags:
KKings OOf TThe WWestern WWorld ings f he estern orld iKngs fO hTe eWstern oWrld lings kf fhe aestern aorld lKings kOf fThe aWestern aWorld
Klings Okf Tfhe Waestern Waorld oings 9f 5he 3estern 3orld oKings 9Of 5The 3Western 3World Koings O9f T5he W3estern W3orld mings 0f hhe destern dorld
mKings 0Of hThe dWestern dWorld Kmings O0f Thhe Wdestern Wdorld jings lf yhe eestern eorld jKings lOf yThe eWestern eWorld Kjings Olf Tyhe Weestern Weorld
iings if 6he sestern sorld iKings iOf 6The sWestern sWorld Kiings Oif T6he Wsestern Wsorld Off ghe 2estern 2orld Kngs O gThe 2Western 2World
Knigs Of Tghe W2estern W2orld Kjngs Oc rhe qestern qorld Ocf rThe qWestern qWorld Kijngs Ofc Trhe Wqestern Wqorld K9ngs Or Woorld
K9ings Orf Te Wstern Wrld Ki9ngs Ofr Teh Wsetern Wrold Klngs Og Tje Wsstern Wkrld Ogf Tjhe Wkorld Kilngs Ofg Thje Wesstern Wokrld
Kongs Ot Tue W3stern W9rld Otf Tuhe W9orld Kiongs Oft Thue We3stern Wo9rld Kkngs Ov Tne Wfstern W0rld Kkings Ovf Tnhe Wfestern W0orld
Kikngs Ofv Thne Wefstern Wo0rld K8ngs Od Tbe Wrstern Wlrld K8ings Odf Tbhe Wrestern Wlorld Ki8ngs Ofd Thbe Werstern Wolrld Kungs Tge W4stern Wirld
Kuings W4estern Wiorld Kiungs Thge We4stern Woirld Kinngs Tye Wdstern Worrld Kigs Wold Kigns Thye Wedstern Wolrd
Kimgs Thee Wwstern Wodld Kimngs Th Wwestern Wodrld Kinmgs The Wewstern Wordld Kihgs Ths Wo4ld Kihngs Thse Wetern Wo4rld
Kinhgs Thes Wetsern Wor4ld Kijgs Th3 Weztern Wogld Th3e Wezstern Wogrld Kinjgs The3 Wesztern Worgld Kibgs Thf Wewtern Wotld
Kibngs Thfe Wotrld Kinbgs Thef Weswtern Wortld Kinggs Thr Wedtern Wo5ld Kins Thre Wo5rld Kinsg Ther Wesdtern Wor5ld
Kinhs Th4 Weetern Wofld Th4e Wofrld Kinghs The4 Wesetern Worfld Kinys Thd Wextern Woeld Kinygs Thde Wexstern Woerld
Kingys Thed Wesxtern Woreld Kinbs Thw Weatern Worlld Thwe Weastern Word Kingbs Thew Wesatern Wordl Kinvs Westtern Workd
Kinvgs Wesern Workld

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