Deacon Blue
All I Want

A cautious smile under the western sky

Would curl upwards like the wild sea

A special friend knowing all the ways of love

Would talk his way back inside a tiny second

Don't promise good intention

One in a thousand (maybe even me)

Don't know there are clouds in the sky

Sooner or later eveyone'll say the same thing

Baby , you already know

That all I want is to be with you

Call me over sooner

Call me right now

I'm standing underneath the blackest rolling sky

I don't know my way forward

I'm dizzy with the wind

Turning like a compass never true only spinning

All I want is to be with you

In the sad and lonely pines

Where no midday sun ever shines

As the clouds all float into thin air

Underneath the blackest sky somewhere

I hear the soul of man never dies

I hear that special will survive

Keeping time over the rolling roads

Staying with me as my thoughts all go

Chasing away in the green fields

Where every breath gives up and yields

To all I want

Mirror lyrics:

To all I want

Where every breath gives up and yields

Chasing away in the green fields

Staying with me as my thoughts all go

Keeping time over the rolling roads

I hear that special will survive

I hear the soul of man never dies

Underneath the blackest sky somewhere

As the clouds all float into thin air

Where no midday sun ever shines

In the sad and lonely pines

All I want is to be with you

Turning like a compass never true only spinning

I'm dizzy with the wind

I don't know my way forward

I'm standing underneath the blackest rolling sky

Call me right now

Call me over sooner

That all I want is to be with you

Baby , you already know

Sooner or later eveyone'll say the same thing

Don't know there are clouds in the sky

One in a thousand (maybe even me)

Don't promise good intention

Would talk his way back inside a tiny second

A special friend knowing all the ways of love

Would curl upwards like the wild sea

A cautious smile under the western sky

Relevant Tags:
AAll II WWant ll ant lAl I aWnt zll j aant zAll jI aWant Azll Ij Waant qll 9 3ant qAll 9I 3Want Aqll I9 W3ant sll l dant sAll lI dWant
Asll Il Wdant wll o eant wAll oI eWant Awll Io Weant xll k sant xAll kI sWant Axll Ik Wsant Alll 8 2ant Al 8I 2Want All I8 W2ant Akl u qant
Akll uI qWant Alkl Iu Wqant Aol Aoll Wnt Alol Wnat Apl Wznt Apll Wzant Alpl Waznt Wqnt Waqnt Alk Wsnt
Allk Wasnt Alo Wwnt Wwant Allo Wawnt

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