De Vision
Free From Cares

In each word we say
We pretend to pray
The words of Jesus
And anytime
We end up smashed to pieces
In a world of lies
We are free from cares
We close our eyes
I assume
There is no healer
To heal this world
To make us cleaner
I assume
There is no healer

To heal this world
To make us cleaner
Free from cares
We show each day
Leads into darkness
We go insane
We are of no account
We jeer the creatures
That we once found
It's tenderness
We are living on
So it's not wonder
That we're all gone

Mirror lyrics:

That we're all gone
So it's not wonder
We are living on
It's tenderness
That we once found
We jeer the creatures
We are of no account
We go insane
Leads into darkness
We show each day
Free from cares
To make us cleaner
To heal this world

There is no healer
I assume
To make us cleaner
To heal this world
There is no healer
I assume
We close our eyes
We are free from cares
In a world of lies
We end up smashed to pieces
And anytime
The words of Jesus
We pretend to pray
In each word we say

Relevant Tags:
FFree FFrom CCares ree rom ares rFee rFom aCres cree crom fares cFree cFrom fCares Fcree Fcrom Cfares rree rrom xares
rFree rFrom xCares Frree Frrom Cxares gree grom vares gFree gFrom vCares Fgree Fgrom Cvares tree trom dares tFree tFrom dCares
Ftree Ftrom Cdares vree vrom Caares vFree vFrom Cres Fvree Fvrom Craes dree drom Czres dFree dFrom Czares Fdree Fdrom Cazres
Cqres Fee Fom Cqares Fere Form Caqres Fdee Fdom Csres Csares Frdee Frdom Casres F4ee F4om Cwres
F4ree F4rom Cwares Fr4ee Fr4om Cawres Fgee Fgom Cxres Frgee Frgom Caxres Ftee Ftom Carres Caes Frtee Frtom Caers
F5ee F5om Cades F5ree F5rom Cadres Fr5ee Fr5om Cardes Ffee Ffom Ca4es Ffree Ffrom Ca4res Frfee Frfom Car4es Feee Feom Cages
Feree Ferom Cagres Freee Freom Carges Froom Cates

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