Deborah Cox
The Sound Of My Tears

Always the life of the party
Always the clown of the class
All of my friends see me happy baby
But happy is only a mask

Nobody knows when I'm alone inside my room
I sing another tune

I'm goin' down
When I hear the sound
The sound of my tears
When you're not around
It's all I can do
When I listen to
The sound of my tears baby when I'm missing you

Don't mind the sounds of the city baby
Don't mind the noise of the crowd
Just when I'm lonely with my thoughts of you
The silence is always too loud

Pay it no mind
You know the truth behind the smile
It's only just a lie

[Chorus x 2]

Pay it no mind
You know the truth behind the smile
It's only just a lie

[Repeat chorus to fade]

Mirror lyrics:

[Repeat chorus to fade]

It's only just a lie
You know the truth behind the smile
Pay it no mind

[Chorus x 2]

It's only just a lie
You know the truth behind the smile
Pay it no mind

The silence is always too loud
Just when I'm lonely with my thoughts of you
Don't mind the noise of the crowd
Don't mind the sounds of the city baby

The sound of my tears baby when I'm missing you
When I listen to
It's all I can do
When you're not around
The sound of my tears
When I hear the sound
I'm goin' down

I sing another tune
Nobody knows when I'm alone inside my room

But happy is only a mask
All of my friends see me happy baby
Always the clown of the class
Always the life of the party

Relevant Tags:
TThe SSound OOf MMy TTears he ound f y ears hTe oSund fO yM eTars fhe zound kf jy fears fThe zSound kOf jMy fTears Tfhe Szound Okf Mjy Tfears
5he wound 9f ky 5ears 5The wSound 9Of kMy 5Tears T5he Swound O9f Mky T5ears hhe dound 0f ny hears hThe dSound 0Of nMy hTears Thhe Sdound O0f Mny Thears
yhe eound lf Myy years yThe eSound lOf M yTears Tyhe Seound Olf My Tyears 6he xound if Mg 6ears 6The xSound iOf Mgy 6Tears T6he Sxound Oif Myg T6ears
ghe aound Off Mh gears gThe aSound O Mhy gTears Tghe Saound Of Myh Tgears rhe Soound Oc M6 rears rThe Sund Ocf M6y rTears Trhe Suond Ofc My6 Trears
Skund Or Mu Teears Te Skound Orf Muy Tars Teh Sokund Ofr Myu Taers Tje S9und Og M7 Tsars Tjhe S9ound Ogf M7y Tsears Thje So9und Ofg My7 Tesars
Tue S0und Ot Mj T3ars Tuhe S0ound Otf T3ears Thue So0und Oft Myj Te3ars Tne Slund Ov Mt Tfars Tnhe Slound Ovf Mty Thne Solund Ofv Myt Tefars
Tbe Siund Od Trars Tbhe Siound Odf Thbe Soiund Ofd Terars Tge Souund T4ars Sond T4ears Thge Sonud Te4ars
Tye Sohnd Tdars Sohund Tdears Thye Souhnd Tedars Thee So7nd Twars Th So7und Twears The Sou7nd Tewars
Ths Soknd Teaars Thse Ters Thes Souknd Teras Th3 Soind Tezrs Th3e Tezars

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