Deborah Cox
I'm Your Natural Woman

you've gotta know, you are my heart and soul i can't just let go, i gave you
Years cried a river of tears see you wanna change baby who's to blame? my love
Burns like a flame, yes our love is still and i guess i'll always will

Im your natural woman i'll be there when there's no one cause my lovin is real
But you dont see it now since you've put me down but i'll be there for you when
There's no one around

You've been my light, for you i've sacrificed stayed up every night that you
Didn't call how i worried all night long things feel so strange last night i

Called out your name thought i saw your face, here next to me maybe someday
Soon it will be ohhh


Baby can you tell me how could you leave me lonely baby when you know that i've
Given my only heart to you whatever you do, baby dont be a fool

I'll give ya time, baby to make up your mind whatever you decide, i wont break
A vow oh no noo not ever, no no noooo


Oooooh yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm your natural, yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm your
Natural womannnnnn oh, i'll be there oooooooooooohhhhhh

Mirror lyrics:

Natural womannnnnn oh, i'll be there oooooooooooohhhhhh
Oooooh yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm your natural, yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm your


A vow oh no noo not ever, no no noooo
I'll give ya time, baby to make up your mind whatever you decide, i wont break

Given my only heart to you whatever you do, baby dont be a fool
Baby can you tell me how could you leave me lonely baby when you know that i've


Soon it will be ohhh
Called out your name thought i saw your face, here next to me maybe someday

Didn't call how i worried all night long things feel so strange last night i
You've been my light, for you i've sacrificed stayed up every night that you

There's no one around
But you dont see it now since you've put me down but i'll be there for you when
Im your natural woman i'll be there when there's no one cause my lovin is real

Burns like a flame, yes our love is still and i guess i'll always will
Years cried a river of tears see you wanna change baby who's to blame? my love
you've gotta know, you are my heart and soul i can't just let go, i gave you

Relevant Tags:
II'm YYour NNatural WWoman 'm our atural oman 'Im oYur aNtural oWman j'm gour matural aoman jI'm gYour mNatural aWoman Ij'm Ygour Nmatural Waoman
9'm hour hatural 3oman 9I'm hYour hNatural 3Woman I9'm Yhour Nhatural W3oman l'm 6our jatural doman lI'm 6Your jNatural dWoman Il'm Y6our Njatural Wdoman
o'm uour batural eoman oI'm uYour bNatural eWoman Io'm Yuour Nbatural Weoman k'm 7our Naatural soman kI'm 7Your Ntural sWoman Ik'm Y7our Ntaural Wsoman
8'm jour Nztural 2oman 8I'm jYour Nzatural 2Woman I8'm Yjour Naztural W2oman u'm tour Nqtural qoman uI'm tYour Nqatural qWoman Iu'm Ytour Naqtural Wqoman
I''m Yoour Nstural Wooman Im Yur Nsatural Wman Im' Yuor Nastural Wmoan I'mm Ykur Nwtural Wkman I' Ykour Nwatural Wkoman I'm Yokur Nawtural Wokman
I'j Y9ur Nxtural W9man I'jm Y9our Nxatural W9oman I'mj Yo9ur Naxtural Wo9man I'k Y0ur Nattural W0man I'km Y0our Naural W0oman I'mk Yo0ur Nautral Wo0man
I'n Ylur Nafural Wlman I'nm Ylour Naftural Wloman I'mn Yolur Natfural Wolman Yiur Na5ural Wiman Yiour Na5tural Wioman Yoiur Nat5ural Woiman
Youur Nahural Womman Yor Nahtural Woan Yoru Nathural Woamn Yohr Nayural Wojan Yohur Naytural Wojman Youhr Natyural Womjan
Yo7r Na6ural Wokan Yo7ur Na6tural You7r Nat6ural Womkan Yokr Nagural Wonan Nagtural Wonman Youkr Natgural Womnan
Yoir Narural Womaan Nartural Womn Youir Natrural Womna Yo8r Natuural Womzn Yo8ur Natral Womzan You8r Natrual Womazn
Yojr Nathral Womqn Yojur Womqan Youjr Natuhral Womaqn Yoyr Nat7ral Womsn Yoyur Nat7ural Womsan Youyr Natu7ral Womasn
Yourr Natkral Womwn

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