Debbie Harry
End Of The Run

Darkness falls like a black leather jacket and melts
into the sidewalk like a sleeping drunk.
In the streets, the wind throws yesterday's headlines around.
Another night comes and goes.

So, for awhile back then there was someplace to go.
Somewhere more home than a house.
A family of choice, not an accident,
but sometimes as soon as something gets started it's over.

Now the days are much shorter and the people from the
good part of town all come around,
but the something is missing even though there's more there now.
I shrug off my attempts to explain how a torn T-shirt
made it all danger again.

I don't like flashbacks in movies.
I like the story to proceed.
I don't like talking about the old days except if it
tells where the future will lead.

So we take a walk down this haunted hall or stumble
through a shattered recall.
I know there's nothing to relive, it's just the shape of it all.
I don't want it different.
Don't want it again but value for value, now I'd never want it to end.
You think of the old friends and faces no more to be seen.
You think how much fun a line-up would mean.

And once that tape starts playing, it's too hard to make it rewind.
That one special face takes over your mind.

That end of the run.
We almost won.
The end of the run.
We had our fun.
The end of the run.

I knew it then.
It won't be back again.

We stood in the cold night,
though we should be warm, in the back of the lot with me in your arms.
The sun was falling.
The grey rain was pouring.
The cars were all dirty and slow.
We both had our kiss and, out of the depths and darkness,
with my eyes closed I still see you fine.
Cause that was the season we make our dreams come true.
There was no limit to what we could do.

The end of the run.
We almost won.
The end of the run.
We had our fun.
The end of the run.
I knew it then.
He won't be back again.

Once that tape starts playing it's too hard to make it rewind.
With my eyes closed I still see you fine.
That was the season we make our dreams come true.
There was no limit to what we could do.

The end of the run.
We almost won.
The end of the run.
We had our fun.
The end of the run.
I knew it then.
He won't be back again.

Mirror lyrics:

He won't be back again.
I knew it then.
The end of the run.
We had our fun.
The end of the run.
We almost won.
The end of the run.

There was no limit to what we could do.
That was the season we make our dreams come true.
With my eyes closed I still see you fine.
Once that tape starts playing it's too hard to make it rewind.

He won't be back again.
I knew it then.
The end of the run.
We had our fun.
The end of the run.
We almost won.
The end of the run.

There was no limit to what we could do.
Cause that was the season we make our dreams come true.
with my eyes closed I still see you fine.
We both had our kiss and, out of the depths and darkness,
The cars were all dirty and slow.
The grey rain was pouring.
The sun was falling.
though we should be warm, in the back of the lot with me in your arms.
We stood in the cold night,

It won't be back again.
I knew it then.

The end of the run.
We had our fun.
The end of the run.
We almost won.
That end of the run.

That one special face takes over your mind.
And once that tape starts playing, it's too hard to make it rewind.

You think how much fun a line-up would mean.
You think of the old friends and faces no more to be seen.
Don't want it again but value for value, now I'd never want it to end.
I don't want it different.
I know there's nothing to relive, it's just the shape of it all.
through a shattered recall.
So we take a walk down this haunted hall or stumble

tells where the future will lead.
I don't like talking about the old days except if it
I like the story to proceed.
I don't like flashbacks in movies.

made it all danger again.
I shrug off my attempts to explain how a torn T-shirt
but the something is missing even though there's more there now.
good part of town all come around,
Now the days are much shorter and the people from the

but sometimes as soon as something gets started it's over.
A family of choice, not an accident,
Somewhere more home than a house.
So, for awhile back then there was someplace to go.

Another night comes and goes.
In the streets, the wind throws yesterday's headlines around.
into the sidewalk like a sleeping drunk.
Darkness falls like a black leather jacket and melts

Relevant Tags:
EEnd OOf TThe RRun nd f he un nEd fO hTe uRn snd kf fhe dun sEnd kOf fThe dRun Esnd Okf Tfhe Rdun 3nd 9f 5he 4un 3End 9Of 5The 4Run
E3nd O9f T5he R4un fnd 0f hhe gun fEnd 0Of hThe gRun Efnd O0f Thhe Rgun rnd lf yhe tun rEnd lOf yThe tRun Ernd Olf Tyhe Rtun 4nd if 6he 5un
4End iOf 6The 5Run E4nd Oif T6he R5un dnd Off ghe fun dEnd O gThe fRun Ednd Of Tghe Rfun wnd Oc rhe eun wEnd Ocf rThe eRun Ewnd Ofc Trhe Reun
Ennd Or Ruun Ed Orf Te Rn Edn Ofr Teh Rnu Emd Og Tje Rhn Emnd Ogf Tjhe Rhun Enmd Ofg Thje Ruhn Ehd Ot Tue R7n Ehnd Otf Tuhe R7un
Enhd Oft Thue Ru7n

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