Dc Cooper
The Angel Comes

What an evil look
That showed your true side
Of your existence
And all the bad things you hide

Simple distracion
The way you bring us down (down, down...)
Because you like us
Always will invite us
To wear the exact same frown

Why is it like this? (Why is it like this?)
No pleasure is allowed
Why do you like it? (Why do you like it?)
You like this pain that makes you proud

The angel comes and shows her face
And puns you in your righteous place
The angel comes and shows her face
And puns you in your righteous place

What happened in your life
That made you feel so cold
Lies from the past come forth
And never take a hold

Never before this have I felt
The need to breathe
The time has come now
The choice is made you know
I have to leave

Why is it like this? (Why is it like this?)
No pleasure all despair
Why do you like it (Why do you like it?)
This is the pain you think is fair

The angel comes and shows her face
And puns you in your righteous place
The angel comes and shows her face
And puns you in your righteous place

About the time the dreaming had stopped
That's when I fear that you're gone
That's when I feel...

The angel comes and shows her face
And puns you in your righteous place
The angel comes and shows her face
And puns you in your righteous place

The angel comes and shows her face
And puns you in your righteous place
The angel comes and shows the way
And puns you in your righteous place

About the time the dreaming had stopped
That's when I fear that you are gone
Never before this have I felt, never before...

Mirror lyrics:

Never before this have I felt, never before...
That's when I fear that you are gone
About the time the dreaming had stopped

And puns you in your righteous place
The angel comes and shows the way
And puns you in your righteous place
The angel comes and shows her face

And puns you in your righteous place
The angel comes and shows her face
And puns you in your righteous place
The angel comes and shows her face

That's when I feel...
That's when I fear that you're gone
About the time the dreaming had stopped

And puns you in your righteous place
The angel comes and shows her face
And puns you in your righteous place
The angel comes and shows her face

This is the pain you think is fair
Why do you like it (Why do you like it?)
No pleasure all despair
Why is it like this? (Why is it like this?)

I have to leave
The choice is made you know
The time has come now
The need to breathe
Never before this have I felt

And never take a hold
Lies from the past come forth
That made you feel so cold
What happened in your life

And puns you in your righteous place
The angel comes and shows her face
And puns you in your righteous place
The angel comes and shows her face

You like this pain that makes you proud
Why do you like it? (Why do you like it?)
No pleasure is allowed
Why is it like this? (Why is it like this?)

To wear the exact same frown
Always will invite us
Because you like us
The way you bring us down (down, down...)
Simple distracion

And all the bad things you hide
Of your existence
That showed your true side
What an evil look

Relevant Tags:
TThe AAngel CComes he ngel omes hTe nAgel oCmes fhe zngel fomes fThe zAngel fComes Tfhe Azngel Cfomes 5he qngel xomes
5The qAngel xComes T5he Aqngel Cxomes hhe sngel vomes hThe sAngel vComes Thhe Asngel Cvomes yhe wngel domes yThe wAngel dComes
Tyhe Awngel Cdomes 6he xngel Coomes 6The xAngel Cmes T6he Axngel Cmoes ghe Anngel Ckmes gThe Agel Ckomes Tghe Agnel Cokmes
rhe Amgel C9mes rThe Amngel C9omes Trhe Anmgel Co9mes Ahgel C0mes Te Ahngel C0omes Teh Anhgel Co0mes Tje Ajgel Clmes
Tjhe Ajngel Clomes Thje Anjgel Colmes Tue Abgel Cimes Tuhe Abngel Ciomes Thue Anbgel Coimes Tne Anggel Commes Tnhe Anel Coes
Thne Anegl Coems Tbe Anhel Cojes Tbhe Cojmes Thbe Anghel Comjes Tge Anyel Cokes Anygel Thge Angyel Comkes
Tye Anbel Cones Conmes

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