Days Of The New
Hang On To This

Keep me past the gate
I've worn the world without a word
And I don't care too much for what they say
Grip my smothering end
Another day will pass again
Keep My fire alive for I'm not afraid

Can I make them understand
Who in the world would have thought this
God I'll never know your plans
Doin what i got to
What I Got to hang on
Cause I'm doin what I got to
What I got to hang on
Hanging on by a thread this is what I got
So hang on to this

Keep me pacified
The light will never see my face
For this must be a better place
Keep them entertained
I've lost the feel, I've lost the pain
For this seems to be a better place

Can I make them understand
Who in the world would have thought this
God I'll never know your plans
Doin what i got to
What I Got to hang on
Cause I'm doin what I got to
What I got to hang on
Hanging on by a thread this is what I got
So hang on to this

Maybe you'll find what you seek
If you hold on to truth
Then your truth will set you free

Mirror lyrics:

Then your truth will set you free
If you hold on to truth
Maybe you'll find what you seek

So hang on to this
Hanging on by a thread this is what I got
What I got to hang on
Cause I'm doin what I got to
What I Got to hang on
Doin what i got to
God I'll never know your plans
Who in the world would have thought this
Can I make them understand

For this seems to be a better place
I've lost the feel, I've lost the pain
Keep them entertained
For this must be a better place
The light will never see my face
Keep me pacified

So hang on to this
Hanging on by a thread this is what I got
What I got to hang on
Cause I'm doin what I got to
What I Got to hang on
Doin what i got to
God I'll never know your plans
Who in the world would have thought this
Can I make them understand

Keep My fire alive for I'm not afraid
Another day will pass again
Grip my smothering end
And I don't care too much for what they say
I've worn the world without a word
Keep me past the gate

Relevant Tags:
HHang OOn TTo TThis ang n o his aHng nO oT hTis jang kn fo fhis jHang kOn fTo fThis Hjang Okn Tfo Tfhis uang 9n 5o 5his
uHang 9On 5To 5This Huang O9n T5o T5his nang 0n ho hhis nHang 0On hTo hThis Hnang O0n Tho Thhis bang ln yo yhis bHang lOn yTo yThis
Hbang Oln Tyo Tyhis gang in 6o 6his gHang iOn 6To 6This Hgang Oin T6o T6his yang Onn go ghis yHang O gTo gThis Hyang On Tgo Tghis
Haang Om ro rhis Hng Omn rTo rThis Hnag Onm Tro Trhis Hzng Oh Too Hzang Ohn T Tis Hazng Onh To Tihs Hqng Oj Tk Tjis
Hqang Ojn Tko Tjhis Haqng Onj Tok Thjis Hsng Ob T9 Tuis Hsang Obn T9o Tuhis Hasng Onb To9 Thuis Hwng T0 Tnis Hwang T0o Tnhis
Hawng To0 Thnis Hxng Tl Tbis Hxang Tlo Tbhis Haxng Tol Thbis Hanng Ti Tgis Hag Tio Hagn Toi Thgis
Hamg Tyis

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