Born Is The Enemy

Cold and freezing
Holding nothing
I did all this for you

Don't even call me your friend
You will not lose in the end
I see in front of me
Born is the enemy now

Cold and freezing
Holding nothing
I did all this for you
Now there's nothing left for me to do

This is the start of something new
Stains of your guilt are left for you
I see in front of me
Born is the enemy now

You're trying to bring me down
You're not gonna break me

I did all this for you
You're going down

Mirror lyrics:

You're going down
I did all this for you

You're not gonna break me
You're trying to bring me down

Born is the enemy now
I see in front of me
Stains of your guilt are left for you
This is the start of something new

Now there's nothing left for me to do
I did all this for you
Holding nothing
Cold and freezing

Born is the enemy now
I see in front of me
You will not lose in the end
Don't even call me your friend

I did all this for you
Holding nothing
Cold and freezing

Relevant Tags:
BBorn IIs TThe EEnemy orn s he nemy oBrn sI hTe nEemy vorn js fhe snemy vBorn jIs fThe sEnemy Bvorn Ijs Tfhe Esnemy
gorn 9s 5he 3nemy gBorn 9Is 5The 3Enemy Bgorn I9s T5he E3nemy norn ls hhe fnemy nBorn lIs hThe fEnemy Bnorn Ils Thhe Efnemy
horn os yhe rnemy hBorn oIs yThe rEnemy Bhorn Ios Tyhe Ernemy Boorn ks 6he 4nemy Brn kIs 6The 4Enemy Bron Iks T6he E4nemy
Bkrn 8s ghe dnemy Bkorn 8Is gThe dEnemy Bokrn I8s Tghe Ednemy B9rn us rhe wnemy B9orn uIs rThe wEnemy Bo9rn Ius Trhe Ewnemy
B0rn Iss Ennemy B0orn I Te Eemy Bo0rn Is Teh Eenmy Blrn Iz Tje Ememy Blorn Izs Tjhe Emnemy Bolrn Isz Thje Enmemy
Birn Iw Tue Ehemy Biorn Iws Tuhe Ehnemy Boirn Isw Thue Enhemy Borrn Id Tne Ejemy Bon Ids Tnhe Ejnemy Bonr Isd Thne Enjemy
Bodn Ie Tbe Ebemy Bodrn Ies Tbhe Ebnemy Bordn Ise Thbe Enbemy Bo4n Ix Tge Eneemy Bo4rn Ixs Enmy Bor4n Isx Thge Enmey
Bogn Ia Tye Ensmy Bogrn Ias Ensemy Borgn Isa Thye Enesmy Botn Thee En3my Botrn Th En3emy Bortn The Ene3my
Bo5n Ths Enfmy

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