Days Away
I Can Say What I Mean

Well this pictures set and its set in stone.
But what do I know?
I'm not the one who's left to choose, it's just you
Maybe I can get around to that later

For right now I'm fine with or without, with or without
Sorry if I sound confusing
I just wish this was a little bit easier

And I know that I'm alone
But still she lets, lets me go
And I know that I'm alone

Until she let's me go
Till the day I'm fine
So that you gave me the time of day again
To tell me “Lets just be, lets just be good friends.”
So then I'm with no or without your love
And I'm sorry if this sounds amusing
I just wish this was a little bit easier

[Repeat Chorus (x2)]

Mirror lyrics:

[Repeat Chorus (x2)]

I just wish this was a little bit easier
And I'm sorry if this sounds amusing
So then I'm with no or without your love
To tell me “Lets just be, lets just be good friends.”
So that you gave me the time of day again
Till the day I'm fine
Until she let's me go

And I know that I'm alone
But still she lets, lets me go
And I know that I'm alone

I just wish this was a little bit easier
Sorry if I sound confusing
For right now I'm fine with or without, with or without

Maybe I can get around to that later
I'm not the one who's left to choose, it's just you
But what do I know?
Well this pictures set and its set in stone.

Relevant Tags:
II CCan SSay WWhat II MMean an ay hat ean I aCn aSy hWat I eMan j fan zay ahat j jean jI fCan zSay aWhat jI jMean Ij Cfan Szay Wahat Ij Mjean
9 xan way 3hat 9 kean 9I xCan wSay 3What 9I kMean I9 Cxan Sway W3hat I9 Mkean l van day dhat l nean lI vCan dSay dWhat lI nMean Il Cvan Sday Wdhat Il Mnean
o dan eay ehat o Meean oI dCan eSay eWhat oI Man Io Cdan Seay Wehat Io Maen k Caan xay shat k Msan kI Cn xSay sWhat kI Msean Ik Cna Sxay Wshat Ik Mesan
8 Czn aay 2hat 8 M3an 8I Czan aSay 2What 8I M3ean I8 Cazn Saay W2hat I8 Me3an u Cqn qhat u Mfan uI Cqan Sy qWhat uI Mfean Iu Caqn Sya Wqhat Iu Mefan
Csn Szy Whhat Mran Csan Wat Mrean Casn Sazy Waht Meran Cwn Sqy Wjat M4an Cwan Sqay Wjhat M4ean Cawn Saqy Whjat Me4an
Cxn Ssy Wuat Mdan Ssay Wuhat Mdean Caxn Sasy Whuat Medan Cann Swy Wnat Mwan Ca Wnhat Mwean Can Sawy Whnat Mewan
Cam Sxy Wbat Meaan Camn Wbhat Men Canm Saxy Whbat Mena Cah Sayy Wgat Mezn Cahn Sa Wghat Mezan Canh Say Whgat Meazn
Caj Sag Wyat Meqn Cajn Sagy Wyhat Meqan

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