Day In The Life, A
Do You Have A Map Because I'm Lost In Your Eyes

And if tomorrow should be the last day I could ever tell you
I was in love with your smile, In love with your eyes.
Tomorrow will be a-okay, just to say I loved you way too much.
I should have said anything instead of making no sense at all...
Why was I chasing falling stars instead of you?
Why was I breaking my own heart instead of embracing yours?

Tomorrow will be a-okay, just to say I loved you way too much.
I should have said anything instead of making no sense at all...

Everything is broken, put it back together.
Everything just falls apart
Everything is broken... Yeah Everything, Everything.

Why was I chasing falling stars instead of you?
Why was I breaking my own heart instead of embracing yours?

Just remember, to save me one last dance.
And please try to close your eyes.

Just remember, to save me one last dance.
And please try to close your... eyes.

Mirror lyrics:

And please try to close your... eyes.
Just remember, to save me one last dance.

And please try to close your eyes.
Just remember, to save me one last dance.

Why was I breaking my own heart instead of embracing yours?
Why was I chasing falling stars instead of you?

Everything is broken... Yeah Everything, Everything.
Everything just falls apart
Everything is broken, put it back together.

I should have said anything instead of making no sense at all...
Tomorrow will be a-okay, just to say I loved you way too much.

Why was I breaking my own heart instead of embracing yours?
Why was I chasing falling stars instead of you?
I should have said anything instead of making no sense at all...
Tomorrow will be a-okay, just to say I loved you way too much.
I was in love with your smile, In love with your eyes.
And if tomorrow should be the last day I could ever tell you

Relevant Tags:
DDo YYou HHave AA MMap BBecause II'm LLost IIn YYour EEyes o ou ave ap ecause 'm ost n our yes oD oYu aHve A aMp eBcause 'Im oLst nI oYur yEes
xo gou jave z jap vecause j'm kost jn gour syes xDo gYou jHave zA jMap vBecause jI'm kLost jIn gYour sEyes Dxo Ygou Hjave Az Mjap Bvecause Ij'm Lkost Ijn Ygour Esyes
eo hou uave q kap gecause 9'm oost 9n hour 3yes eDo hYou uHave qA kMap gBecause 9I'm oLost 9In hYour 3Eyes Deo Yhou Huave Aq Mkap Bgecause I9'm Loost I9n Yhour E3yes
fo 6ou nave s nap necause l'm post ln 6our fyes fDo 6You nHave sA nMap nBecause lI'm pLost lIn 6Your fEyes Dfo Y6ou Hnave As Mnap Bnecause Il'm Lpost Iln Y6our Efyes
ro uou bave w Maap hecause o'm on uour ryes rDo uYou bHave wA Mp hBecause oI'm Lst oIn uYour rEyes Dro Yuou Hbave Aw Mpa Bhecause Io'm Lsot Ion Yuour Eryes
co 7ou gave x Mzp Beecause k'm Lkst kn 7our 4yes cDo 7You gHave xA Mzap Bcause kI'm kIn 7Your 4Eyes Dco Y7ou Hgave Ax Mazp Bceause Ik'm Lokst Ikn Y7our E4yes
so jou yave Mqp Bscause 8'm L9st 8n jour dyes sDo jYou yHave Mqap Bsecause 8I'm L9ost 8In jYour dEyes Dso Yjou Hyave Maqp Bescause I8'm Lo9st I8n Yjour Edyes
Doo tou Haave Msp B3cause u'm L0st un tour wyes D tYou Hve Msap B3ecause uI'm L0ost uIn tYour wEyes Do Ytou Hvae Masp Be3cause Iu'm Lo0st Iun Ytour Ewyes
Dk Yoou Hzve Mwp Bfcause I''m Llst Inn Yoour Eyyes Dko Yu Hzave Mwap Bfecause Im Llost I Yur Ees Dok Yuo Hazve Mawp Befcause Im' Lolst In Yuor Eeys
D9 Yku Hqve Mxp Brcause I'mm List Im Ykur Eges D9o Ykou Hqave Mxap Brecause I' Liost Imn Ykour Egyes Do9 Yoku Haqve Maxp Bercause I'm Loist Inm Yokur Eyges
D0 Y9u Hsve Mapp B4cause I'j Losst Ih Y9ur Ehes D0o Y9ou Hsave Ma B4ecause I'jm Lot Ihn Y9our Ehyes Do0 Yo9u Hasve Map Be4cause I'mj Lots Inh Yo9ur Eyhes
Dl Y0u Hwve Ma0 Bdcause I'k Lozt Ij Y0ur E6es Dlo Y0ou Hwave Ma0p Bdecause I'km Lozst Y0our E6yes Dol Yo0u Hawve Map0 Bedcause I'mk Loszt Inj Yo0ur Ey6es
Di Ylu Hxve Mal Bwcause I'n Lowt Ib Ylur Eues Dio Ylou Hxave Malp Bwecause I'nm Lowst Ibn Ylour Euyes Doi Yolu Haxve Mapl Bewcause I'mn Loswt Inb Yolur Eyues
Yiu Havve Mao Beccause Lodt Yiur E7es Yiou Hae Maop Beause Lodst Yiour E7yes Yoiu Haev Mapo Beacuse Losdt Yoiur Ey7es
Youu Habe Befause Loet Youur Ejes Yo Habve Loest Yor Ejyes You Havbe Becfause Loset Yoru Eyjes
Yoh Hace Bexause Loxt Yohr Etes Yohu Hacve Bexcause Loxst Yohur Etyes Youh Havce Becxause Losxt Youhr Eytes
Yo7 Hage Bevause Loat Yo7r Eyees Yo7u Hagve Bevcause Loast Yo7ur Eys You7 Havge Becvause Losat You7r Eyse
Yok Hafe Bedause Lostt Yokr Eyss Hafve Los Eyses Youk Havfe Becdause Lost Youkr Eyess
Yoi Havee Becaause Losf Yoir Ey3s Hav Becuse Losft Ey3es Youi Have Becuase Lostf Youir Eye3s
Yo8 Havs Beczuse Los5 Yo8r Eyfs Yo8u Havse Beczause Los5t Yo8ur Eyfes You8 Haves Becazuse Lost5 You8r Eyefs
Yoj Hav3 Becquse Losh Yojr Eyrs Yoju Hav3e Becqause Losht Yojur Eyres Youj Have3 Becaquse Losth Youjr Eyers
Yoy Havf Becsuse Losy Yoyr Ey4s Yoyu Becsause Losyt Yoyur Ey4es Youy Havef Becasuse Losty Youyr Eye4s
Havr Becwuse Los6 Yourr Eyds

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