David Wilcox
Top Of The Roller Coaster

Say goodbye to your twenties, tomorrow is the "Big 3-0"
For my birthday present, I've got a place where we can go
It's a lesson in motion to ride the wildest ride
We're gonna climb to the top of the roller coaster
And look down the other side

So let me ride in the front car and you ride right behind
And I'll click my snapshot camera at exactly the right time
Shoot back over my shoulder, catch the fear no one can hide
When we tip the top of the roller coaster and look down the other side
Over the hill

So when the prints come back
We can look at that unmistakable birthday fear
Like your younger days are over now
And it's all downhill from here

It was a happy birthday, you surprised us all
So take a look at this glossy picture, I framed it for your wall
It's the moment of truth, it's the top of your youth
The camera don't lie, you might be screaming
But there's a meaning in the laughter in your eyes

It seems to be saying, "Of course there will be fear"
Aah but this is why we stand in line spend that time
Make that climb to finally feel the other side
And it's all downhill from here

We're gonna climb to the top of the roller coaster
And look down the other side

Mirror lyrics:

And look down the other side
We're gonna climb to the top of the roller coaster

And it's all downhill from here
Make that climb to finally feel the other side
Aah but this is why we stand in line spend that time
It seems to be saying, "Of course there will be fear"

But there's a meaning in the laughter in your eyes
The camera don't lie, you might be screaming
It's the moment of truth, it's the top of your youth
So take a look at this glossy picture, I framed it for your wall
It was a happy birthday, you surprised us all

And it's all downhill from here
Like your younger days are over now
We can look at that unmistakable birthday fear
So when the prints come back

Over the hill
When we tip the top of the roller coaster and look down the other side
Shoot back over my shoulder, catch the fear no one can hide
And I'll click my snapshot camera at exactly the right time
So let me ride in the front car and you ride right behind

And look down the other side
We're gonna climb to the top of the roller coaster
It's a lesson in motion to ride the wildest ride
For my birthday present, I've got a place where we can go
Say goodbye to your twenties, tomorrow is the "Big 3-0"

Relevant Tags:
TTop OOf TThe RRoller CCoaster op f he oller oaster oTp fO hTe oRller oCaster fop kf fhe doller foaster fTop kOf fThe dRoller fCoaster
Tfop Okf Tfhe Rdoller Cfoaster 5op 9f 5he 4oller xoaster 5Top 9Of 5The 4Roller xCoaster T5op O9f T5he R4oller Cxoaster hop 0f hhe goller voaster
hTop 0Of hThe gRoller vCoaster Thop O0f Thhe Rgoller Cvoaster yop lf yhe toller doaster yTop lOf yThe tRoller dCoaster Tyop Olf Tyhe Rtoller Cdoaster
6op if 6he 5oller Cooaster 6Top iOf 6The 5Roller Caster T6op Oif T6he R5oller Caoster gop Off ghe foller Ckaster gTop O gThe fRoller Ckoaster
Tgop Of Tghe Rfoller Cokaster rop Oc rhe eoller C9aster rTop Ocf rThe eRoller C9oaster Trop Ofc Trhe Reoller Co9aster Toop Or Rooller C0aster
Tp Orf Te Rller C0oaster Tpo Ofr Teh Rloler Co0aster Tkp Og Tje Rkller Claster Tkop Ogf Tjhe Rkoller Cloaster Tokp Ofg Thje Rokller Colaster
T9p Ot Tue R9ller Ciaster T9op Otf Tuhe R9oller Cioaster To9p Oft Thue Ro9ller Coiaster T0p Ov Tne R0ller Coaaster T0op Ovf Tnhe R0oller Coster
To0p Ofv Thne Ro0ller Cosater Tlp Od Tbe Rlller Cozster Tlop Odf Tbhe Rloller Cozaster Tolp Ofd Thbe Rolller Coazster Tip Tge Riller Coqster
Tiop Rioller Coqaster Toip Thge Roiller Coaqster Topp Tye Cosster To Roler Cosaster Top Thye Roller Coasster
To0 Thee Rokler Cowster Th Cowaster Top0 The Rolkler Coawster Tol Ths Rooler Coxster Thse Coxaster
Topl Thes Rololer Coaxster Too Th3 Ropler Th3e Ropller Coater Topo The3 Rolpler Coatser Thf Coazter
Thfe Thef Rolelr Coaszter Thr Rolker Coawter Thre Ther Rollker Coaswter
Th4 Roloer Coadter Th4e Coadster The4 Rolloer Coasdter Thd Rolper Coaeter Thde Coaester
Thed Rollper Coaseter

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