David Wilcox
High Hill

I walk the High Hill tonight
It stands behind the town
It was golden in the autumn sky
As the sun was going down
I could not stay to answer
The man who rang my telephone
Cause when I hear the High Hill calling
I have to go alone

I climb alone the winding trail
Leave the town below
I wrap my woven blanket round me
Up here the wind can blow
The brighter stars come peeking through
A canopy of branches high
Out across the town lights glistening
I think I'm gonna fly

I am looking down from High Hill
I am looking down
On my four walls
In my small town

I'm standing high in windy dark
Above this amber glow
Glistening sea of shining lights
A half a mile below
And somewhere on that shining sea
A tiny light I call my own
I feel like I been too long sailing
I finally made it home

I am looking down from High Hill
I am looking down
My dream's been found
In my old home town

I am looking down from High Hill
I am looking down from High Hill
I am looking down from high

Mirror lyrics:

I am looking down from high
I am looking down from High Hill
I am looking down from High Hill

In my old home town
My dream's been found
I am looking down
I am looking down from High Hill

I finally made it home
I feel like I been too long sailing
A tiny light I call my own
And somewhere on that shining sea
A half a mile below
Glistening sea of shining lights
Above this amber glow
I'm standing high in windy dark

In my small town
On my four walls
I am looking down
I am looking down from High Hill

I think I'm gonna fly
Out across the town lights glistening
A canopy of branches high
The brighter stars come peeking through
Up here the wind can blow
I wrap my woven blanket round me
Leave the town below
I climb alone the winding trail

I have to go alone
Cause when I hear the High Hill calling
The man who rang my telephone
I could not stay to answer
As the sun was going down
It was golden in the autumn sky
It stands behind the town
I walk the High Hill tonight

Relevant Tags:
HHigh HHill igh ill iHgh iHll jigh jill jHigh jHill Hjigh Hjill uigh uill uHigh uHill Huigh Huill nigh nill nHigh nHill
Hnigh Hnill bigh bill bHigh bHill Hbigh Hbill gigh gill gHigh gHill Hgigh Hgill yigh yill yHigh yHill Hyigh Hyill Hiigh Hiill
Hgh Hll Hgih Hlil Hjgh Hjll Hijgh Hijll H9gh H9ll H9igh H9ill Hi9gh Hi9ll Hlgh Hlll Hligh Hlill Hilgh Hilll Hogh Holl
Hoigh Hoill Hiogh Hioll Hkgh Hkll Hkigh Hkill Hikgh Hikll H8gh H8ll H8igh H8ill

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