David Vendetta
Be The Best (feat. Audrey Valorzi)

(Audrey Valorzi/David Vendetta)

My dreams are like a swirl, mixing real and fancies.
They turn, they turn around the world, my hope is to find the keys.
I'm setting off in search of true moments at first.
I'm taking off but I risk of expecting the worst.

I play a game everyday, I pray, defy to do the test.
I stay the same all the day, I cry, I try to be the best.

If I understand, drawing me to you again
Just as you pushed me away, can't you feel my pain ?
If I never come back, if I control the end
And without looking back, can't you feel my pain ?

Oh, let me go free, hoping for better days.
Don't worry about me, it's not too much for me.
Now I land quietly, I get off this spaceship.
The shivers inside me, I'm sinking too deep.

I open my eyes and I see dreams so unfriendly.
Not slowly, not serenely, firmly throw away the key.
I'm falling ill but I still keep burning the secret.
It's killing me, making a deal with you in respect.

I play a game everyday, I pray, defy to do the test.
I stay the same all the day, I cry, I try to be the best.

Ah ah ah, be the best, ah ah ah, do the test.
Ah ah ah, be the best, ah ah ah, it's my request.

Mirror lyrics:

Ah ah ah, be the best, ah ah ah, it's my request.
Ah ah ah, be the best, ah ah ah, do the test.

I stay the same all the day, I cry, I try to be the best.
I play a game everyday, I pray, defy to do the test.

It's killing me, making a deal with you in respect.
I'm falling ill but I still keep burning the secret.
Not slowly, not serenely, firmly throw away the key.
I open my eyes and I see dreams so unfriendly.

The shivers inside me, I'm sinking too deep.
Now I land quietly, I get off this spaceship.
Don't worry about me, it's not too much for me.
Oh, let me go free, hoping for better days.

And without looking back, can't you feel my pain ?
If I never come back, if I control the end
Just as you pushed me away, can't you feel my pain ?
If I understand, drawing me to you again

I stay the same all the day, I cry, I try to be the best.
I play a game everyday, I pray, defy to do the test.

I'm taking off but I risk of expecting the worst.
I'm setting off in search of true moments at first.
They turn, they turn around the world, my hope is to find the keys.
My dreams are like a swirl, mixing real and fancies.

(Audrey Valorzi/David Vendetta)

Relevant Tags:
BBe TThe BBest ((feat. AAudrey VValorzi) e he est feat. udrey alorzi) eB hTe eBst f(eat. uAdrey aVlorzi) ve fhe vest (ffeat. zudrey balorzi) vBe fThe vBest (eat. zAudrey bValorzi)
Bve Tfhe Bvest (efat. Azudrey Vbalorzi) ge 5he gest (ceat. qudrey calorzi) gBe 5The gBest (cfeat. qAudrey cValorzi) Bge T5he Bgest (fceat. Aqudrey Vcalorzi) ne hhe nest (reat. sudrey galorzi)
nBe hThe nBest (rfeat. sAudrey gValorzi) Bne Thhe Bnest (freat. Asudrey Vgalorzi) he yhe hest (geat. wudrey falorzi) hBe yThe hBest (gfeat. wAudrey fValorzi) Bhe Tyhe Bhest (fgeat. Awudrey Vfalorzi)
Bee 6he Beest (teat. xudrey Vaalorzi) B 6The Bst (tfeat. xAudrey Vlorzi) Be T6he Bset (fteat. Axudrey Vlaorzi) Bs ghe Bsst (veat. Auudrey Vzlorzi) Bse gThe Bsest (vfeat. Adrey Vzalorzi)
Bes Tghe Besst (fveat. Adurey Vazlorzi) B3 rhe B3st (deat. Ahdrey Vqlorzi) B3e rThe B3est (dfeat. Ahudrey Vqalorzi) Be3 Trhe Be3st (fdeat. Auhdrey Vaqlorzi) Bf Bfst (feeat. A7drey Vslorzi)
Bfe Te Bfest (fat. A7udrey Vsalorzi) Bef Teh Befst (faet. Au7drey Vaslorzi) Br Tje Brst (fsat. Akdrey Vwlorzi) Bre Tjhe Brest (fseat. Akudrey Vwalorzi) Ber Thje Berst (fesat. Aukdrey Vawlorzi)
B4 Tue B4st (f3at. Aidrey Vxlorzi) B4e Tuhe B4est (f3eat. Aiudrey Vxalorzi) Be4 Thue Be4st (fe3at. Auidrey Vaxlorzi) Bd Tne Bdst (ffat. A8drey Vallorzi) Bde Tnhe Bdest A8udrey Vaorzi)
Bed Thne Bedst (fefat. Au8drey Vaolrzi) Bw Tbe Bwst (frat. Ajdrey Vakorzi) Bwe Tbhe Bwest Ajudrey Vaklorzi) Bew Thbe Bewst (ferat. Aujdrey Valkorzi) Tge (f4at. Aydrey Vaoorzi)
Bet (f4eat. Ayudrey Vaolorzi) Thge Bets (fe4at. Auydrey Valoorzi) Tye Bezt (fdat. Auddrey Vaporzi) Bezst Aurey Vaplorzi) Thye Beszt (fedat. Aurdey Valporzi)
Thee Bewt (fwat. Auxrey Th (fweat. Auxdrey Valrzi) The Beswt (fewat. Audxrey Valrozi) Ths Bedt (feaat. Auerey Valkrzi) Thse (fet. Auedrey
Thes Besdt (feta. Auderey Valokrzi) Th3 Beet (fezt. Aufrey Val9rzi) Th3e (fezat. Aufdrey Val9orzi) The3 Beset (feazt. Audfrey Valo9rzi) Thf Bext (feqt. Aurrey Val0rzi)
Thfe Bexst (feqat. Aurdrey Val0orzi) Thef Besxt (feaqt. Audrrey Valo0rzi) Thr Beat (fest. Aucrey Vallrzi) Thre Beast Aucdrey Ther Besat (feast. Audcrey Valolrzi)
Th4 Bestt (fewt. Ausrey Valirzi) Th4e Bes Ausdrey Valiorzi) The4 Best (feawt. Audsrey Valoirzi)

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