David Tao

Yeahh.. wo..

Katrina.. I can't stop looking in your eyes
but my words don't come out straight
I don't know what to say.. (oh no..)

on monday i tell myself you gotta wait dave...
don't rush it, don't anticipate
take it sowly it's okay... it's okay...

and i just want a chance to know you..
to know the woman deep inside.. yeah.. yeahh..
and i don't wanna look back on life
to see this missed opportunity... yeahh.. to get to know you..
even at the risk of looking like a fool... to you.. yeah yeahh..

on wednesday i casually walk on by
to find that you're not there..
I act like I don't care
but on friday i catch a glimpse of you who who..
i tell myself don't hesitate
you just walk up and say hello... say hello...

and I just want a chance to know you..
to know the woman deep inside.. yeah yeahh..
and i don't wanna look back on life..
to see this missed opportunity.. yeah yeahh..
to get to know you
even at the risk of looking like a fool... to you..

and I just want a chance to know you..
to know the love you have inside.. yeah yeahh.. oh no no no no
and i don't wanna look back on life..
to see this missed opportunity.. yeah yeahh..
to get to know you
even at the risk of looking like a fool... to you..

Katrina will I ever know your heart..

Mirror lyrics:

Katrina will I ever know your heart..

even at the risk of looking like a fool... to you..
to get to know you
to see this missed opportunity.. yeah yeahh..
and i don't wanna look back on life..
to know the love you have inside.. yeah yeahh.. oh no no no no
and I just want a chance to know you..

even at the risk of looking like a fool... to you..
to get to know you
to see this missed opportunity.. yeah yeahh..
and i don't wanna look back on life..
to know the woman deep inside.. yeah yeahh..
and I just want a chance to know you..

you just walk up and say hello... say hello...
i tell myself don't hesitate
but on friday i catch a glimpse of you who who..
I act like I don't care
to find that you're not there..
on wednesday i casually walk on by

even at the risk of looking like a fool... to you.. yeah yeahh..
to see this missed opportunity... yeahh.. to get to know you..
and i don't wanna look back on life
to know the woman deep inside.. yeah.. yeahh..
and i just want a chance to know you..

take it sowly it's okay... it's okay...
don't rush it, don't anticipate
on monday i tell myself you gotta wait dave...

I don't know what to say.. (oh no..)
but my words don't come out straight
Katrina.. I can't stop looking in your eyes

Yeahh.. wo..

Relevant Tags:
KKatrina atrina aKtrina latrina lKatrina Klatrina oatrina oKatrina Koatrina matrina mKatrina
Kmatrina jatrina jKatrina Kjatrina iatrina iKatrina Kiatrina Kaatrina Ktrina Ktarina Kztrina
Kzatrina Kaztrina Kqtrina Kqatrina Kaqtrina Kstrina Ksatrina Kastrina Kwtrina Kwatrina Kawtrina
Kxtrina Kxatrina Kaxtrina Kattrina Karina Kartina Kafrina Kaftrina Katfrina Ka5rina Ka5trina
Kat5rina Kahrina Kahtrina Kathrina Kayrina Kaytrina Katyrina Ka6rina Ka6trina Kat6rina Kagrina
Kagtrina Katgrina Karrina Kartrina Katrrina Katina Katirna Katdina Katdrina Katrdina Kat4ina

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