David Sneddon
The Bluebird

Listen to your heart and not your head
I know that this is what the wise man said-
Maybe he was wrong
And all this talk of yet another war
Contradicts just what the heart is for-
What is it for?

Everybody lies, everybody cries in the end

But I'm like the Bluebird in the sky
Can't drag me down cuz I'm so high
And you know it's easy, if you try
You can let the Bluebird fly so high

Tell me why you're waiting by the phone
It only rings when no-one's home-
So go outside
There is no reason to delay
Grab your hat go out do it today-
Go out and play

Listen to me now cuz if you can't believe your friends
Then everybody lies, everybody cries in the end



Mirror lyrics:



Then everybody lies, everybody cries in the end
Listen to me now cuz if you can't believe your friends

Go out and play
Grab your hat go out do it today-
There is no reason to delay
So go outside
It only rings when no-one's home-
Tell me why you're waiting by the phone

You can let the Bluebird fly so high
And you know it's easy, if you try
Can't drag me down cuz I'm so high
But I'm like the Bluebird in the sky

Everybody lies, everybody cries in the end

What is it for?
Contradicts just what the heart is for-
And all this talk of yet another war
Maybe he was wrong
I know that this is what the wise man said-
Listen to your heart and not your head

Relevant Tags:
TThe BBluebird he luebird hTe lBuebird fhe vluebird fThe vBluebird Tfhe Bvluebird 5he gluebird 5The gBluebird T5he Bgluebird
hhe nluebird hThe nBluebird Thhe Bnluebird yhe hluebird yThe hBluebird Tyhe Bhluebird 6he Blluebird 6The Buebird T6he Bulebird
ghe Bkuebird gThe Bkluebird Tghe Blkuebird rhe Bouebird rThe Boluebird Trhe Blouebird Bpuebird Te Bpluebird Teh Blpuebird
Tje Bluuebird Tjhe Blebird Thje Bleubird Tue Blhebird Tuhe Blhuebird Thue Bluhebird Tne Bl7ebird Tnhe Bl7uebird Thne Blu7ebird
Tbe Blkebird Tbhe Thbe Blukebird Tge Bliebird Bliuebird Thge Bluiebird Tye Bl8ebird Bl8uebird Thye Blu8ebird
Thee Bljebird Th Bljuebird The Blujebird Ths Blyebird Thse Blyuebird Thes Bluyebird Th3 Blueebird Th3e Blubird The3 Blubeird
Thf Blusbird Thfe Blusebird Thef Bluesbird Thr Blu3bird Thre Blu3ebird Ther Blue3bird Th4 Blufbird Th4e Blufebird The4 Bluefbird
Thd Blurbird Thde Blurebird Thed Bluerbird Thw Blu4bird Thwe Blu4ebird Thew Blue4bird Bludbird Bludebird Bluedbird
Bluwbird Bluwebird Bluewbird Bluebbird Blueird

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