David Nail
This Time Around

I know what you think, here we go again
The same waste of potential that I've always been
I've been given chances and I've burned some bridges up
Had a million excuses why I'd self-destruct

But this time around
I'm a little more ready now
I'm a little bit older, a little more figured out
This time around

I see what I want and I've had a taste
I'm aware of the sacrifice its gonna take
I ain't afraid of failure ‘cause I ain't supposed to win
It took a while to find it, but I'm back again

But this time around
I'm a little more ready now
I'm a little bit older, a little more figured out
This time around

Yeah, this time around
I'm a little more ready now
I'm a little bit older, a little more figured out

Yeah, this time around
I'm a little more ready now
I'm a little bit older, a little more figured out
This time around

Yeah, this time around
This time around

Mirror lyrics:

This time around
Yeah, this time around

This time around
I'm a little bit older, a little more figured out
I'm a little more ready now
Yeah, this time around

I'm a little bit older, a little more figured out
I'm a little more ready now
Yeah, this time around

This time around
I'm a little bit older, a little more figured out
I'm a little more ready now
But this time around

It took a while to find it, but I'm back again
I ain't afraid of failure ‘cause I ain't supposed to win
I'm aware of the sacrifice its gonna take
I see what I want and I've had a taste

This time around
I'm a little bit older, a little more figured out
I'm a little more ready now
But this time around

Had a million excuses why I'd self-destruct
I've been given chances and I've burned some bridges up
The same waste of potential that I've always been
I know what you think, here we go again

Relevant Tags:
TThis TTime AAround his ime round hTis iTme rAound fhis fime zround fThis fTime zAround Tfhis Tfime Azround 5his 5ime qround
5This 5Time qAround T5his T5ime Aqround hhis hime sround hThis hTime sAround Thhis Thime Asround yhis yime wround yThis yTime wAround
Tyhis Tyime Awround 6his 6ime xround 6This 6Time xAround T6his T6ime Axround ghis gime Arround gThis gTime Aound Tghis Tgime Aorund
rhis rime Adound rThis rTime Adround Trhis Trime Ardound Tiime A4ound Tis Tme A4round Tihs Tmie Ar4ound Tjis Tjme Agound
Tjhis Tjime Aground Thjis Tijme Argound Tuis T9me Atound Tuhis T9ime Atround Thuis Ti9me Artound Tnis Tlme A5ound Tnhis Tlime A5round
Thnis Tilme Ar5ound Tbis Tome Afound Tbhis Toime Afround Thbis Tiome Arfound Tgis Tkme Aeound Tkime Aeround Thgis Tikme Areound
Tyis T8me Aroound T8ime Arund Thyis Ti8me Aruond Thiis Tume Arkund Ths Tuime Arkound Thsi Tiume Arokund Thjs Timme Ar9und
Tie Ar9ound Thijs Tiem Aro9und Th9s Tije Ar0und Th9is Ar0ound Thi9s Timje Aro0und Thls Tike Arlund Thlis Arlound
Thils Timke Arolund Thos Tine Ariund

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