David Lee Murphy
We Can't All Be Angels

(David Lee Murphy/Danny Tate)

Late nights and smokey ole pool rooms
Bars closin' down at three
And I'm right here in the middle of it all
With the bad company
Well maybe you don't understand it
Oh and we might never agree
But I'm past the point of making excuses
That's what I am and I guess the truth is

We can't all be angels
Naw naw naw
I can't say that
I claim to be much of a
Saint after all
But I can tell you it ain't so bad
Once you've learned how to fall

Flyin' down these ole backroads
Is when I feel at my best
When I've twisted all the rules that'll bend
And broken all the rest
Now I'll never try to change you
Oh and I'd never do you no wrong

We can't all be angels
Naw naw naw
I can't say that
I claim to be much of a
Saint after all
But I can tell you it ain't so bad
Once you've learned how to fall

There's alot to be said for good clean livin'
And if I have to sneak through the back door to heaven

We can't all be angels
Naw naw naw
I can't say that
I claim to be much of a
Saint after all
But I can tell you it ain't so bad
Once you've learned how to fall

Mirror lyrics:

Once you've learned how to fall
But I can tell you it ain't so bad
Saint after all
I claim to be much of a
I can't say that
Naw naw naw
We can't all be angels

And if I have to sneak through the back door to heaven
There's alot to be said for good clean livin'

Once you've learned how to fall
But I can tell you it ain't so bad
Saint after all
I claim to be much of a
I can't say that
Naw naw naw
We can't all be angels

Oh and I'd never do you no wrong
Now I'll never try to change you
And broken all the rest
When I've twisted all the rules that'll bend
Is when I feel at my best
Flyin' down these ole backroads

Once you've learned how to fall
But I can tell you it ain't so bad
Saint after all
I claim to be much of a
I can't say that
Naw naw naw
We can't all be angels

That's what I am and I guess the truth is
But I'm past the point of making excuses
Oh and we might never agree
Well maybe you don't understand it
With the bad company
And I'm right here in the middle of it all
Bars closin' down at three
Late nights and smokey ole pool rooms

(David Lee Murphy/Danny Tate)

Relevant Tags:
WWe CCan't AAll BBe AAngels e an't ll e ngels eW aCn't lAl eB nAgels ae fan't zll ve zngels aWe fCan't zAll vBe zAngels Wae Cfan't Azll Bve Azngels
3e xan't qll ge qngels 3We xCan't qAll gBe qAngels W3e Cxan't Aqll Bge Aqngels de van't sll ne sngels dWe vCan't sAll nBe sAngels Wde Cvan't Asll Bne Asngels
ee dan't wll he wngels eWe dCan't wAll hBe wAngels Wee Cdan't Awll Bhe Awngels se Caan't xll Bee xngels sWe Cn't xAll B xAngels Wse Cna't Axll Be Axngels
2e Czn't Alll Bs Anngels 2We Czan't Al Bse Agels W2e Cazn't All Bes Agnels qe Cqn't Akl B3 Amgels qWe Cqan't Akll B3e Amngels Wqe Caqn't Alkl Be3 Anmgels
Csn't Aol Bf Ahgels W Csan't Aoll Bfe Ahngels We Casn't Alol Bef Anhgels Ws Cwn't Apl Br Ajgels Cwan't Apll Bre Ajngels Wes Cawn't Alpl Ber Anjgels
W3 Cxn't B4 Abgels B4e Abngels We3 Caxn't Be4 Anbgels Wf Cann't Alk Bd Anggels Wfe Ca't Bde Anels Wef Ca'nt Allk Bed Anegls
Wr Cam't Alo Bw Anhels Wre Camn't Bwe Wer Canm't Allo Bew Anghels W4 Cah't Alp Anyels W4e Cahn't Anygels We4 Canh't Allp Angyels
Wd Caj't Anbels Cajn't Wed Canj't Angbels Ww Cab't Anvels Wwe Cabn't Anvgels Wew Canb't Angvels
Can''t Anfels Cant Anfgels Cant' Angfels Can'tt Antels Can' Antgels Can't Angtels

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