David Phelps
Joy To The World For Unto Us

Joy to the world the Lord is come
Let earth receive her King
Let every heart prepare Him room
And Heaven and Nature sing
And Heaven and Nature sing
And Heaven, and Heaven and nature sing

Joy to the earth the Savior reigns
Let men their songs employ
While fields and floods, rock, hills, and plains
Repeat the sounding joy
Repeat the sounding joy
Repeat, repeat the sounding joy

For unto us a child is born
Unto us a son is given
Unto us a son is given
For unto us a child is born
Unto us a son is given
Unto us a son is given
And the government shall be upon His shoulder
And His name shall be called
Wonderful, Counselor, the Might God
The Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace
The Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace

He rules the world with truth and grace
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness
And wonders of His love
And wonders of His love
And wonders, wonders of His love

Mirror lyrics:

And wonders, wonders of His love
And wonders of His love
And wonders of His love
The glories of His righteousness
And makes the nations prove
He rules the world with truth and grace

The Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace
The Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace
Wonderful, Counselor, the Might God
And His name shall be called
And the government shall be upon His shoulder
Unto us a son is given
Unto us a son is given
For unto us a child is born
Unto us a son is given
Unto us a son is given
For unto us a child is born

Repeat, repeat the sounding joy
Repeat the sounding joy
Repeat the sounding joy
While fields and floods, rock, hills, and plains
Let men their songs employ
Joy to the earth the Savior reigns

And Heaven, and Heaven and nature sing
And Heaven and Nature sing
And Heaven and Nature sing
Let every heart prepare Him room
Let earth receive her King
Joy to the world the Lord is come

Relevant Tags:
JJoy TTo TThe WWorld FFor UUnto UUs oy o he orld or nto s oJy oT hTe oWrld oFr nUto sU koy fo fhe aorld cor hnto hs kJoy fTo fThe aWorld cFor hUnto hUs
Jkoy Tfo Tfhe Waorld Fcor Uhnto Uhs ioy 5o 5he 3orld ror 7nto 7s iJoy 5To 5The 3World rFor 7Unto 7Us Jioy T5o T5he W3orld Fror U7nto U7s moy ho hhe dorld gor knto ks
mJoy hTo hThe dWorld gFor kUnto kUs Jmoy Tho Thhe Wdorld Fgor Uknto Uks noy yo yhe eorld tor into is nJoy yTo yThe eWorld tFor iUnto iUs Jnoy Tyo Tyhe Weorld Ftor Uinto Uis
hoy 6o 6he sorld vor 8nto 8s hJoy 6To 6The sWorld vFor 8Unto 8Us Jhoy T6o T6he Wsorld Fvor U8nto U8s uoy go ghe 2orld dor jnto js uJoy gTo gThe 2World dFor jUnto jUs
Juoy Tgo Tghe W2orld Fdor Ujnto Ujs Jooy ro rhe qorld Foor ynto ys Jy rTo rThe qWorld Fr yUnto yUs Jyo Tro Trhe Wqorld Fro Uynto Uys Jky Too Woorld Fkr Unnto Uss
T Te Wrld Fkor Uto U Joky To Teh Wrold Fokr Utno Us J9y Tk Tje Wkrld F9r Umto Uz J9oy Tko Tjhe Wkorld F9or Umnto Uzs Jo9y Tok Thje Wokrld Fo9r Unmto Usz
J0y T9 Tue W9rld F0r Uhto Uw J0oy T9o Tuhe W9orld F0or Uws Jo0y To9 Thue Wo9rld Fo0r Unhto Usw Jly T0 Tne W0rld Flr Ujto Ud Jloy T0o Tnhe W0orld Flor Uds
Joly To0 Thne Wo0rld Folr Unjto Usd Jiy Tl Tbe Wlrld Fir Ubto Ue Tlo Tbhe Wlorld Fior Ubnto Ues Joiy Tol Thbe Wolrld Foir Unbto Use Joyy Ti Tge Wirld Forr Untto Ux
Jo Tio Wiorld Fo Uno Uxs Joy Toi Thge Woirld For Unot Usx Jog Tye Worrld Fod Unfo Ua Jogy Wold Fodr Unfto Uas Joyg Thye Wolrd Ford Untfo Usa
Joh Thee Wodld Fo4 Un5o Johy Th Wodrld Fo4r Un5to Joyh The Wordld For4 Unt5o Jo6 Ths Wo4ld Fog Unho Jo6y Thse Wo4rld Fogr

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